Protoform: MATA-FENUA [PN] Extremity of land

Description: Extremity of land
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 << PN *mata.1c "point", *mata.1d "cape, headland", NP *fenua "land"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Mata-penua East side of island (Fbg)
East Futuna Mataa fenua Côte habitée (Mfr)
East Uvea Matafenua Côté, bord de mer (Rch)
Niue Matafonua Head of the island, headland; (as place name) northern tip of Niue (Sph)
Nuguria Mataahenua Point of land, headland (Dvl)
Pukapuka Mata wenua Pointed end of island (Sby)
Rennellese Matahenua Western end of Rennell island (Ebt)
Samoan Mataafanua Windward side of an island (Prt)
Sikaiana Mata henua The point or tip of the island, promontory (Dnr)
Takuu Mata(a)henua Peninsula, point of land (the narrow points at each end of the lagoon side of Takuu's islands) (Mle)
Tokelau Mataafenua Headland, point, cape (Sma)
Tongan Matta fonnooa Coast, or shore (Mar)
Tongan Matafonua Coast on the front side of an island (the side where the main settlement is) (Cwd)
Tongan Mataafonua Coast, shore, from the standpoint of the sea (Cwd)

14 entries found

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