Protoform: MUMU [PN] Crowded together

Description: Crowded together
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*1 Cf. NP *mui "assemble, gather around, swarm over".

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Fijian So/mumu/ca Swarm towards Problematic (Cpl)
Hawaiian Muu Gathered together, of people Problematic (Pki)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Mumu (ika) Small shoal (of fish) (Sve)
Niue Mumu To gather around, to come together in a crowd (implies noise and commotion) (Sph)
Pukapuka Mumu Gather, crowd around; passive form: muuia (Sby)
Rarotongan Muumuu Cluster round, congregate (Bse)
Samoan Mumu Swarm, crowd (like flies) (Prt)
Tokelau Mumu Said of flies covering the body (Sma)
Tongan Mumu Crowded closely together (Cwd)
Tuvalu Mumu Crowded together (Rby)

10 entries found

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