Protoform: PILAU [PN] Decayed, stinking

Description: Decayed, stinking
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*0 >> XO *pulau
*1 Cf. PN *pilo "stink of excrement"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Pilau Decayed, stinking (Pki)
Kapingamarangi Pirau Putrid, rotten, stink (Ebt)
Kapingamarangi Bilau Stink v (Lbr)
Mangareva Pirau. Piirau (I). Decayed; pus (I). Pus; suppurer, rendre du pus; être pourri. (Rch)
Marquesas Piʔau Stinking, decayed (I). Sentir mauvas, infecte, désagréable, puant; pus, pourriture, infection. Avoir mauvais goût; taste bad (Atl). (Dln)
New Zealand Maori Pirau Decayed, pus (Wms)
Penrhyn Pirau Decayed; to be rotten and smell bad, be stinky (Sta)
Rarotongan Piirau Decayed, stinking (Bse)
Tahitian Pirau Pus (Lmt)
Tongan Pilau (Have) dried up matter in the eyes (Cwd)
Tuamotu Piirau Decayed, stinking, pus (Stn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Pilau Stink, smell. Rotten; sour taste (Lch). (Hvn)

12 entries found

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