Protoform: QILO-GA [PN] Sign, mark (n); distinguished by a mark

Description: Sign, mark (n); distinguished by a mark
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Niue Ma/iloga To distinguish, to recognize, to acknowledge. Sign, mark (McE). (Sph)
Nuguria Va/ilona Scar, mark (Dvl)
Rennellese ʔIgonga Symbol (Ebt)
Samoan Iloga Sign, distinguishing mark; be marked, distinguished (Mnr)
Tokelau Iloga Be marked out, distinct, well known (Sma)
Tongan ʔIlonga Mark, impression of something; distinguished by a special mark (Cwd)
Tongan Ilonga A crease, mark, symptom, omen, criterion (Mar)
Tuvalu Iloga An identifying mark; to be known, identified (Jsn)

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