Protoform: SIU.* [EC] Wet

Description: Wet
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to EC: Ellicean

*0 << PN *suu "liquid, wet, watery", *(su)sui.
*8 Note: t < *s frequent in KAP.

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Kapingamarangi Tiu Wet Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
Nukuoro S/sui Wet Phonologically Irregular (Crl)
Sikaiana S(i)/siu To be wet (Dnr)
Tikopia Siu Damp (Fth)
Tikopia Si/siu Wet (Fth)
Tuvalu Hi/hiu Be wet (Rby)
Tuvalu S/siu To be wet (Jsn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Siu Wet Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Ui/ui Moist Phonologically Irregular (Lch)

9 entries found

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