Protoform: TIFA.2 [PN] Soar, swerve

Description: Soar, swerve
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

*1 Cf. PN *tipa "stagger, deviate, turn aside", CE *tii-tafa "swerve, slant"

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Uvea (Si)sifa S'envoler, s'en aller (Btn)
Mangareva Tiʔa Tout object, toute chose dont le bout est courbé (on le dirait rarement d'un object qui présente une courbe au milieu); tirer l'arc Uncertain Semantic Connection (Rch)
Niue Tifa, lifa Tilt sideways, capsize (of canoe) Phonologically Irregular (McE)
Nukuoro Diha Move something by using a lever Problematic (Crl)
Samoan Tifa Soar, hover (of a bird) (Prt)
Sikaiana Tiha Swerve out of control (Dnr)
Takuu Tifa Glide, soar (of a bird) (Hwd)
Takuu Tiha/tiha (of bird) Glide through the air, soar (Mle)
Tokelau Tifa Soar, hover (of a bird, aeroplane) (Sma)
Tongan Sifa Swerve, move off suddenly at an angle (Cwd)

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