Protoform: TUGOU [CE] To nod, bow: *tu(u)gou
Description: | To nod, bow: *tu(u)gou |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian |
Notes: | *1 Cf. PN *tulou "expression of deference", *punou "bow down". |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Hawaiian | Kulou | Bow the head, bend | (Pki) |
Hawaiian | Kunou | Bow the head, bend | (Pki) |
Mangareva | Tugou | Faire signe à quelqu'un avec les yeux, les sourcils, le front. To make signs with the eyes or forehead (Tgr). | (Rch) |
Mangareva | Turou | Ne pouvoir se tenir de sommeil Problematic | (Rch) |
Marquesas | Tuko(ʔ)u (MQN), tuno(ʔ)u (MQS), tuʔou | Signe de tète pour permettre, etc. ou appeler; faire signe de la tête; consentir par signe des yeux; tangage, tanguer. Phonologically Irregular | (Dln) |
Marquesas | Mata/tukou (MQN), mata/tunou | Consentement donné par un signe de la tête ou des yeux; se parler par les signes des yeux | (Lch) |
Marquesas | Tuno/tunou | Gesticuler, pantomime | (Lch) |
New Zealand Maori | Tungou | Nod, beckon | (Wms) |
New Zealand Maori | Whaka/tungou/ | Bow down | (Wms) |
New Zealand Maori | Tunou | Nod the head | (Wms) |
Penrhyn | Tuupou | To lower the head Phonologically Irregular | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Tuungou/ngou | To nod the head (repeatedly) | (Sby) |
Rarotongan | Tuungou | To salute, nod the head, bow | (Sve) |
Tahitian | Tuuʔou | Faire signe de la tête | (Lmt) |
Tuamotu | Tuŋou | Lift up the head; nod | (Stn) |
15 entries found
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