New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.KILI.1 Kiri Skin (Wms)
OC.KILI-KILI Kirikiri Gravel, beach pebbles. No coral rubble in New Zealand (Bgs)
EP.KIMI.* Kimi Look for something, seek (Wms)
CE.KIMO.* Kimo Wink (Wms)
CE.KIMO.* Ki/kimo Close eyes and keep them closed (Wms)
CE.KIMO.* Kimo/kimo Wink frequently (Wms)
EO.KINA.1 Kina Sea-urchin (Wms)
NP.KIINAKI.* Kiinaki Meat or fish provided to eat with vegetable food, relish (Bgs)
OC.KINI.1 Kini Nip, pinch (Wms)
PN.KINO Kino Evil, bad, wicked, ugly; illtreat (Wms)
NP.KIO.1B Kio/riki Little Bittern (Ixobrychus novaeseelandiae) (Wms)
NP.KIOLE Kiore Rat (Wms)
TA.KISA Kiha Pant, gasp (Wms)
CE.KIISAI Kiihai Past tense negativiser (Bgs)
CK.KISI.2 Kihi/kihi Cicada (Melampsalta spp.) (Wms)
FJ.KITA.2A Kita Tightly, fast, clenched (of teeth), intense (of colour), firm (of grip) (Wms)
FJ.KITA.2A Ngita Fast, firm (Wms)
AN.KITE Kite-a See, find (Bgs)
SO.KIVA Ki/kiwa/ Scintillate Uncertain Semantic Connection (Wms)
PN.KIWA.1 Kiwa Dark, black (of sky) (Wms)
CE.KIWA.2A Kiwa/kiwa A fern (Blechnum fluviatilis) (Wms)
CE.KIWA.2B Te moana-nui-a-kiwa Honorific term for the ocean Uncertain Semantic Connection (Wms)
NP.KIWI.1* Kiwi Apteryx (Wms)
NP.KIWI.1* Tutu/kiwi Snares Island Snipe (Wms)
PN.KIWI.2 Kiwi Apteryx spp., nocturnal bird spp Uncertain Semantic Connection (Wms)
FJ.KO.1 Ko Specifier particle (Preposed) (Wms)
PN.KOO.2B Koo Sing (of birds) (Wms)
CE.KOO-.3 Koo- -like, similar, kind of (Bgs)
PN.KOO.1 Ko- ~ koo Yonder (Wms)
CE.KOO.3 Koo Descend, fall from a height, as a bird, kite; sink, as a canoe (Bgs)
PN.KOA.1 Koa Post-posed emphatic particle (Wms)
NP.KOA.2 Koa Glad, joyful, rejoice over (Wms)
CE.KOAMA.* Koroama, koroamo A small fish Problematic (Wms)
CE.KOATA Koata Crown of stem or young shoots of Cordyline, etc. (Wms)
AN.KOE Koe Second person singular, thou (Wms)
CE.KOOFAA Koowhaa Split open (Wms)
CE.KOO-FAGA.* Koowhanga Nest (Bgs)
CE.KOOFAI Koowhai Trees (Sophora spp.) (Wms)
CE.KOOFAI Koohai Trees (Sophora spp.) (Wms)
CE.KOOFAI-KURA Koowhai/ kura (Geum urbanum) and (Pontentina anserina), plants used for scenting oil (Wms)
CE.KOOFAO Puku /koowhao/ Dropsy (Wms)
CK.KOO-FATU.* Koo(w)hatu Stone. General term, except in eastern dialects which retain poo(w)hatu (Bgs)
FJ.KOFE.A Kohe(kohe) A tree (Dysoxylum spectabile) . Saplings tall, straight, branchless trunks (Bgs)
FJ.KOFE.A Kohe A climbing plant (Passiflora tetrandra) (Wms)
CE.KOFE-KOFE Kohe(kohe) A tree (Dysoxylum spectabile) . Saplings tall, straight, branchless trunks (Bgs)
NP.KOFI Kohi-a Gather (Wms)
CE.KOO-FITI.1 Koowhiti Pull up, or out; spring up or out; twitch, start (Wms)
CE.KOO-FITI.2 Koowhiti/whiti-moana Shrimp (Wms)
CE.KOO-FORE Kohore Abraded, raw (of a wound) (Wms)
OC.KOFU.1A Koohu/a Cook by boiling Problematic (Wms)

3407 entries found