Niue entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.MATE.1A Mate To die (Sph)
PN.MATE.1D Mate Die out, be extinguished (fire) (Sph)
PN.MATI.1 Mati A tree (Ficus godeffroyi, F. scabra) (Sph)
PN.MA-TIKE Matike To arise, get up, stand up (Sph)
PN.MA-TIKE Matike/tike A rough and rocky hill (Sph)
TO.MAA-TILA Matila Sharp (Sph)
PN.MATIWA Mativa Poor, broke (Sph)
PN.MA-TOFI.A Matofi/ua Split in two (McE)
OC.MAATOLU Matolu Thick (Sph)
SO.-MA-TOU.B -ma(uto)lu First person exclusive plural possessive suffix Problematic (Sph)
AN.MATUQA.A Motua Mature; old age (Sph)
PN.HUI-MATUQA Hui-motua Bones of the living Uncertain Semantic Connection (Tgr)
PN.FETUQU-AFIAFI Fetuu afiafi Venus, Evening Star (Sph)
PN.MATUKU.A Motuku Reef Heron (Egretta sacra). Curlew (McE). (Sph)
PN.MAQU.1 Mau Complete, finished; stopped, held; fixed; ready. Constantly, permanently, customarily (McE). (Sph)
PN.MAQU-A Mau To be stopped, to be held; to marry (Sph)
PN.KI-MAA-RUA Maua We (exclusive, dual) (Sph)
PN.MAQUGA Mouga Mountain (Sph)
PN.MAAUI Maaui Legendary hero (Sph)
PN.MAUMAU.1 Moumou Waste, spoil, destroy (Sph)
AN.MAQURI Moui To grow; survive, live; recover; life (Sph)
??.MAUTINI Mootini Pumpkin (Sph)
PN.MAQUTOFU Motofu. Mootofu (Sph). A weed (Sida rhombifolia); a plant (Stachytarpheta indica). (Sida acuta) (Sph). (McE)
PN.KI-MAA-UTOLU Mautolu We (exc) (Sph)
PN.MA-WETE Mavete Undone (Sph)
MP.MEA.1A Mea/mea To redden (of the sky) (McE)
XW.MEA.1C Mea/mea Gums (McE)
SO.MEA.1D Mea A term of endearment, darling Borrowed (McE)
PN.MEQA.A Mena Thing, object, matter, material; cause, reason Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
PN.MEAQA.* Meaa Clean; fair-skinned; pure, innocent (Sph)
PN.OLO.2 K/ol/olo To coo Phonologically Irregular (Sph)
AN.MEI.2 Mei Breadfruit. Fruit à pain (Artocarpus altilis). Problematic (Sph)
PN.MEI.3 Mei Dodge aside, step aside or back (in fighting) (Sph)
CP.FUQAGA Fuaga Grinding stone, tool sharpener; flint (Sph)
PN.MELO Melo/melo Orange-coloured (McE)
PN.MIGO (Mi)migo Withered, shrivelled (Sph)
PN.MILI Mili Rub with the palm of the hand. To rub; to mingle, to crowd (Sph). (McE)
EO.MILO.1 Milo Tree sp., (Thespesia populnea) (Sph)
PN.MILO.2A Milo To move about (Sph)
PN.MILO.2A Milo/(h)i Turning about, restless at night. To fidget (Sph) (McE)
PN.MIO.1A Mioi Writhe, move about in a disorderly manner (Sph)
PN.MIO.1A (Mi(o))mio To twist slightly, wring (Sph)
MP.MIMI Mimi Urine; to urinate (Sph)
PN.FOHU Fo To bore a hole (Lws)
MP.FUQU Fu/maka Rock (Lws)
PN.MITI.1 Miti To dream (Sph)
OC.MITI.2 Miti Polynesian Starling (Aplonis brunnescens) (Sph)
OC.MITI.3A Miti Suck; absorb. Extract coconut cream... (Sph). (McE)
PN.MO Mo And, with (Sph)
PN.MOQO Mo For (Sph)

2724 entries found