Reconstruction Level: CP - Central Pacific

Reconstruction Description
AGA Habit, custom, way of acting
AO.1 Scoop up, gather together
FAQELU Wipe anus
FAGU.1 Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida); gourd container
FAKA-MELE Disparage, defame
FAKA-SESEE Lead astray: *faka-(se)see
FEQATA.A Fish sp.
FIA- Verbal prefix indicating desire, wish
FILI.4 Enemy: *fi(l,r)i
FUQAGA Whetstone, grindstone
FUSI.1 Swampy area, especially one under cultivation
FUTA.1 To inflate, swell up; float of fishing net; to boast
GOGO.1 Noddy (Anous sp.) (Clk)
HINA Light up an area with torchlight; fish with lights
KALA.1 Male genitalia
KAALEWA Longtailed New Zealand Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis): *kaalewa(lewa)
KAWA.3 A fish: Kawa(kawa)
KAWE-KAWE-HAA Long-tailed cuckoo (Urodynamis taitensis)
KELE.A Earth, dirt, soil
KOLI.2 A tree (Syzygium neurocalyx) with perfumed fruit
KONO To strain, bear down (as when defecating, giving birth)
KUKU.1A Grasp, hold in the hand
LAGA.1A Raise (up), lift
LAGA-KALI A tree (Aglaia sp.)
LALI.1 Gong
LEKILEKI Puzzlenut tree (Xylocarpus sp.)
LEPO Cover with leaves (as oven, or fruit to ripen)
LEU-LEU Waist garment of bark cloth
LEWA.2 Tree (Cerbera sp.)
LIALIA Disgusting
LOGO-LOGO Cycad species (Cycas rumphii [= circinalis])
LOLI Sea-slug, sea-cucumber (Holothuria)
MAFU.2 Taro pounded up for food
MAQAFU.2 Magellan Clouds
MAMA.4 Ring for the finger
MA-MATA Look at, watch
MASALO.A Think about, consider, suspect
MATA-QI-TALIGA Hammer-head shark (Sphyrna sp.)
MAA-TAU Know, understand
MATUQA-ULAU Goatfish (Parupeneus sp.)
MOKO.2 Desire (Clk): *moko(i)
MUNA Speak (confidentially)
NAO-NAO Sandfly, midge
NIFA.2 A fish (Sardinella sp.)
NOQA Bind, tie: *noq(a,o)
QOLA Wedge; insert wedge; sharp pain
PAKI-PAKI Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia sp.)
PALOLO Balolo worm; season or month when the worm appears
PASU.1A To pound, thump v.t

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