Reconstruction Level: FJ - Fijic

Reconstruction Description
QAFA.1 Net gauge
QARA Awake
AA-NINI Giddy, vertigo
QAOGA Useful, suitable
APAI.1 House purlin: *a(a)pai
QASA Make one's way (e.g. wading through water or vegetation)
QASO.1 A shark
FALA-FALA.1 Plant sp
FALAU Canoe shed: *f(a,o)lau
FAASUA Tridacna clam sp *(f,w)aasua
FEFE.A Crooked, bent
FENUA.*D Cannon (when qualifying the word for gun)
FESI.2 To hate, dislike, upset: *(f,w)esi
FESU Hold fast, capture
FII-FII Wrap up, esp. food
FILI.3 Move vigorously or energetically
FITA.2 Eager, determined; to make an effort
FIQU Fling: *fi(q)u
FOO.1 Small fish sp.: *fo(q)o
FOHI Remove skin, peel
FOKAI Lizard sp
FOLI.1 Go here and there, back and forth, round about
FONO.2A Deliberative assembly
FUA-.2 Numeral prefix meaning "ten"
FUATA.2 Crop, especially breadfruit
FUHU Cone-shell (Conus spp.)
FULE.C Strip plants of leaves
GALI.2A Be attractive, appropriate
GALU.2 Obstruction in breathing : *ga(a)lu(lu)
GEEGEE Shrub sp
GOGO.3 Weak, wasted away
HAUPULU Use coconut husk fibre (for padding or caulking)
HILI To place or be placed on top of something; be caught in a high place; (of canoe) run aground
HOGAHOGA.A Nettle (Laportea interrupta) or other stinging plant *hog(a,o)hog(a,o)
OLO.3 Rub, grate, grind, polish, sharpen
HUU.2 Take refuge
HURU-MAKI Insert, put in
KAFA.3 Diamond-scaled mullet (Mugil vaigiensis)
KAILE.1 A kind of wild yam
KAI-SIQI Beg, cadge
IRI.B To fan, to blow
KALIA Double canoe
KALO.3 Pick something out of a hole, excavate, dig out
KALOLO Bowstring; taut (as a bowstring, stay in rigging)
KAMA.2 Burn, afire, alight
KAMU.1 Chew, munch
KANU Pattern, design (e.g. on pottery, tapa, tattooing)(Clk)
KAPA-TIKO Fish sp. (Lethrinus sp.) (Rsr)

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