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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu RO.MALAU.1 Marau General term for squirrelfish (Holocentridae sp.)
Marquesas PN.MARAWA Maʔava (Teuthis rostratus). Poisson-lapin argenté, picot gris; silvery rabbitfish (Siganus argenteus) [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Pukapuka PN.MARAWA Maalava (Teuthis rostratus). (Siganus argenteus) (Sby).
Rarotongan PN.MARAWA Marava (Teuthis rostratus)
Tahitian PN.MARAWA Marava Poisson de la famille des Teuthididae (Teuthis rostratus)
Tokelau PN.MARAWA Malava (Teuthis rostratus)
Tongan PN.MARAWA Maʔava Kind of fish (Teuthis rostratus)
Tuamotu PN.MARAWA Marava (Teuthis rostratus)
Sikaiana PN.SUMU.3 Simu A star constellation
Nukumanu PN.SUMU.3 (Te) Himu. Nasimu (Sar). Constellation: Southern Cross
Nukumanu PN.SUMU.3 (Te) Himu. Nasimu (Sar). Constellation: Southern Cross
Nukuoro NO.MAILAPA Mailaba September
East Uvea PN.MA-LELE Malele Accourir, se précipiter
Nukuoro PN.MA-LELE Malele Completed Problematic
Rennellese AN.TOLU Togu/nga Maaui A constellation of three stars said to be named for Mautikitiki and his two younger brothers; Orion's Belt
Takuu PN.MA-LEMO Maremo (of a human) Drown, suffocate in water
Tokelau PN.MA-LEMO Malemu Drowned, choked with water
Sikaiana PN.MALIE Malie Pleasing to the taste
Tongan PN.MALIE Melie Sweet or pleasant to the taste; fresh (water)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAALIE.A Wai/marie/ Fortunate, lucky Problematic
Rapa PN.MAALIE.A Maria True, good; (taste?)
Tongan PN.MATA-QARA Mataʔaa/ʔaa Bright-eyed, keen-sighted or wide-awake looking
Niue CP.TEKE.4 Teke, neke Nudge Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.MAALIE.A Maalie Good, pleasing, fortunate
Tahitian PN.MAALIE.B Marie Slowly, deliberately; to be silent.
Tikopia PN.MAALIE.B Marie Wait, still, steadily; gently; mild; at ease
Rennellese PN.MA-AGI Maangi To lie annihilated and non-existent in Hakanaua, a refuse heap in the non-worshipped ancestors; end, of taboos
East Futuna PN.MA-LIKO Maliko Time of brightening darkness before moonrise
Niue PN.MA-LIKO Malika/lika Twilight, late evening; to glimpse, see for a moment, appear indistinctly Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna NP.MA-LILI.1 Malili Fruits qui tombent à terre en quantité
Hawaiian NP.MA-LILI.1 Maalili Blighted, withered, stunted, as fruit
Tikopia NP.MA-LILI.1 Mariri Drop gently down, patter down
Niue PN.MAALILI Maalili Tree sp. (Elattostachys falcata). (Terminalia richii) (Sph).
Samoan PN.MAALILI Maalili Tree sp., (Terminalia sp.)
Hawaiian CE.MAARIRI Maalili Blunted, withered Problematic
Tahitian CE.MAARIRI Maariri Différentes maladies qui s'accompagnent de fièvre ou son supposées telles
New Zealand Maori MP.MALINO Marino Calm (of weather, water)
Mangareva MP.MALINO (Me)merino Calm. Ete calme (mer); calme, tranquilité; silence après un grand bruit, un grand vent
Luangiua PN.MAQU.1 Haa/mau Intermittent
Takuu MP.MALINO Marino Lacking wind, calm; smooth undisturbed area of water....
Rennellese OC.TUPA Tupa A constellation of four stars said to be s-shaped
Pukapuka PN.MA-LIU Maaliuliu To have a slight or incomplete understanding of something; be uncertain, forgetful Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian CE.MA-RIU Maliu Look on with favour, heed, give attention
Easter Island MP.MALO Maro Especie de bandera o gallardete, hecha de plumitas de aves, amarrades a manera de guirnalda en una lienza o varilla
Easter Island MP.MALO Te maro Dish cloth (Thomson)
East Futuna MP.MALO Malo Bande d'étoffe utilisee pendant les règles; serviette hygienique
East Uvea MP.MALO Malo Kotex. Sorte de bande dont se servent lex hommes pour envelopper leur sexe dans certaines iles (Fidji, Tokelau)
Fijian MP.MALO Malo The former native male dress, a piece of malo passed between the things and fastened with a girdle
Mangareva MP.MALO Maro Ceinture qui cache la nudité; petit paquet de feuilles de pandanus; flamme (naut.) en tapa signalant que l'embarcation appartenait à un noble. A small girdle for hiding the sexual parts (Tgr).
Tahitian MP.MALO Maro Vêtement des temps anciens. A narrow piece of cloth worn by men instead of breeches (Dvs).