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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian AN.TUNU Kunu Cook on open fire
Kapingamarangi AN.TUNU Dunu Cook on open fire; boil
Emae AN.TUNU Tunu/tunu Roast food
New Zealand Maori AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire
Moriori AN.TUNU Tunu, tchum Cook, roast, broil . Heat (vt)
Mangareva AN.TUNU Tuunu Cook. Faire cuire (se dit de tout ce qui est susceptible d'être cuit)
Nukuoro AN.TUNU Dunu Cook, heat up, boil
Luangiua AN.TUNU (Ku)kuŋu Cook on open fire, roast
Luangiua AN.TUNU Ku/kuŋu Cook
Penrhyn AN.TUNU Tunu Cook
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TUNU Thunu (trans. tun/aa) Cook; cooking (n)
Pukapuka AN.TUNU Tunu Grill on hot stones or embers; cook by boiling (modern)
Rarotongan AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire
Rennellese AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire
Rotuman AN.TUNU Funu Cook, especially by boiling; to stew
Samoan AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire
Sikaiana AN.TUNU Tunu Cook by putting over a fire
Takuu AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on hot coals, roast
Tokelau AN.TUNU Tunu Cook (food), boil (water)
Tongan AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire
Tuamotu AN.TUNU Tunu Cook on open fire (Obs.)
West Futuna AN.TUNU H/tunu (trans. tuna) To cook, roast on embers. Bruler au feu (féculent) (Rve).
Waya AN.TUNU Tunu Re-heat food
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TUPU.A Tupu New offshoot (of tree or plant), growing
Emae OC.TUSI Tus To write; book
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TUSI Tui/tui (trans. tui/a) Writing, book, scripture; to write
New Zealand Maori PN.TUQU-TAKI Tuutaki Junction, to close (e.g. of a door), to meet
New Zealand Maori TA.TUU-TOKO Tuutoko-na Arise, start up (from sleep), well up (of emotions), regurgitate (of food)
Tahitian TA.TUU-TOKO Tutoo To shove or push aside, to pull or drag along; the lasting cough, the asthma
Hawaiian EP.TUTU.1 Kuku Hoop (used as net spreader)
New Zealand Maori EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Hoop (used as net spreader)
Mangareva EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Hoop (I)
Marquesas EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Hoop. Cercle de barrique; bois dont on fait les cercles (1904).
Rarotongan EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Hoop (used as net spreader) (I)
Tuamotu EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Wider curved end of scoop net
Marquesas CE.TUTU.2 Tutú A tree of tough, pliable wood
Tikopia AN.TUTU.3 Tutu Beat out (bark-cloth) with wooden beater on a slab
Tikopia PN.TUTU-A Tutu Beat out barkcloth with a wooden beater on a slab
New Zealand Maori PN.-U Aa/u, oo/u Second person singular possessive postposed comment used when the determiner of the phrase is not te or ngā Problematic
Tokelau PN.-U A aa/u, o oo/u Yours
Takuu PN.UQU Uu (pass. uu/tia) Bite; (of medicine applied to skin, spicy hot food, etc.) sting, burn
Pukapuka AN.UA.1 Ua/ua Blood vessels (Mta); pulse (Sby)
West Futuna AN.UA.1 Ua/ua, (na)uo/ua Blood vessel, artery, vein; tendon, sinew. Nerfs (Rve).
Hawaiian PN.UA.2 U(w)a/i To move (as an object), push aside; move from place to place (as a tethered animal), sliding (as a door); opening and shutting
New Zealand Maori PN.UA.2 Ua/ki Push (as in launching a canoe), push open a sliding door
Rennellese PN.UA.2 Ua To pry loose; to thrust, as a snare at flying fox; to pull, as a trigger
Hawaiian PN.UQA.1B Ua/naoa lack of appetite, sick at the sight of food. Problematic
Nukuoro PN.UQA.1B Ua/ua (ange) Crave for (food)
Rennellese PN.UQA.1B Uʔa magoo Crave fish or fat meat. Lit dry throat
Tongan PN.UQA.1B ʔUa kai Hanker after or crave for food