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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tikopia PN.MOHE-GA Meenga, moenga Sleeping mat plaited from pandanus leaf strips
West Uvea PN.MOHE-GA Moenga Natte de pandanus
West Futuna PN.MOHE-GA Moega, mega (ANI). Moiga (Cpl), Cloth, clothing. Vêtement (Rve).
East Uvea PN.MOHE-RAGA Moeaga Lit, natte pour dormir
Rennellese PN.MOHE-TORO Moe totogo Steal up and sleep with a lover who is asleep
East Uvea FJ.MOHI Mohi Espèce de langouste
Fijian FJ.MOHI Moci Shrimp or very small prawn found in brackish water
Tongan FJ.MOHI Mohi Lobsterlike creature
Tokelau SO.TAKALE Takale Terminal bud of a coconut palm
Samoan NP.MOI.2 Moi/moi The name of a large fish; small fish left in net after the big ones have been taken out
East Uvea XW.MOO-IFI Moifi Vesse, pet, vesser, péter
East Uvea EO.MOKA.1 Moka/tea Blanchatre
Niue EO.MOKA.1 Moka Fair (in colouring); a term of endearment. Darling, dear (term of endearment for girl or wife) (Sph).
Tikopia EO.MOKA.1 Moka Albino, white egret
Tuamotu EO.MOKA.1 Moka(moka) White
Niue CE.MOKE Moke/moke Bare, completely lacking Problematic
New Zealand Maori FJ.MOKO.1A Moko General term for lizards
Tikopia FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Lizard, general term; moko uri large black skink
East Futuna CP.MOKO.2 Moko/i Aimer, affectioner, vouloir, desirer, souhaiter
East Futuna CP.MOKO.2 Moko/moko Souhaiter, porter envie, desirer
Marquesas CP.MOKO.2 Moko, moo Quêter du poisson; quêter, mendier
Mangareva PN.MOKO.3 Moko Nourriture mise en petits pains allonges mais cuite Problematic
Niue PN.MOKO.3 Moko/mia Affected by cold
New Zealand Maori CE.MOKO.4 Moko Facial or body tattoo (perhaps from resemblance of curvilinear patterns to unfolding fronds) Problematic
Tikopia CE.MOKO.4 Moko Outer covering, especially of bark, skin Problematic
Tongan FJ.MOKO.5 Moko Fasten thatch by tying with sennit to an apai
New Zealand Maori ??.MOKO-FULUFULU Moko-huruhuru "Hairy grub", the form assumed by Maaui when he attempted to enter the body of Hine-nui-i-te-poo
New Zealand Maori CK.MOKO-ROA-I-ATA Te Mokoroa-i-ata The Milky Way (Best 1955:39)
Tahitian TT.MOKO-PIRO Moopiro A disease that affects the posteriors
Luangiua PN.MOKOPUNA Hai/mopuŋa FM, MM, grandchildren, MZ son, Husb M, MZ daughter (+hi9e), MB daughter
Mangareva PN.MOLE.1 ʔAka/more/ Decapitate, behead Problematic
Pukapuka PN.MOLE.1 Mole Finished completely, nothing left
Samoan PN.MOLE.1 Mole Choke, suffocate , die, suffocated, to be
Tuamotu PN.MOLE.1 Moore Exterminated, depopulated, to be
Penrhyn PN.MOLE.2 More/more Smooth, undecorated, bald
Rarotongan CE.MORE More End portion of tentacle
Tahitian CE.MOREFU.1 Morehu/rehu Dark, not well-heated, applied to the stones in a Tahitian oven
New Zealand Maori CE.MOREFU.2 Moorehu Survivor of a disaster such as a defeat in battle
Pukapuka NP.MOOLII Moolii Lantern
Fijian PN.MORI.A Moli Expression of thanks after kava drinking
New Zealand Maori PN.MORI.A Whakamo/mori/ Desire desperately
Marquesas OC.MAGOO Mono (MQS), moko (MQN) Requin adulte
Tahitian PN.MORI.A Mori/mori The prayers, &c, after the restoration of a sick person
Tongan PN.MORI.A Mooi/fua Give completely
New Zealand Maori CK.MORI.B Whakamo/mori Desire desperately; commit suicide
Easter Island CE.MOORII Moorore Illegitimate, bastard, adulterated Problematic
Marquesas CE.MOORII Moʔii. Moʔi (Dln) (Atl). Mooʔii (Mtu). Daughter. Fille (Dln). Jeune fille, girl [Southeast Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Mangareva CE.MOORII Moorii A bastard; illegitimate. Enfant naturel.
East Futuna PN.MOLOKAU.A Molokau Centipede. Mille-pattes de terre, noir (Mfr).
East Futuna SO.MOLOKAU.B Molokau Nom d'une plante grimpante. Fougère "langue de boeuf" qui grimpe sur les cocotiers (les feuilles servent à soigner les piqures du mille-pattes) (Mfr).