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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna PN.MOMI Momi(momi) Avaler une chose tendre sans la mâcher, comme bananes mures, etc.; sucer. Sucer (la pouce); sucer tout doucement (Mfr).
Kapingamarangi PN.MOMI Momi Taste to test
Pukapuka TA.MOMO.C Momo A maternal lineage of the larger grouping of lineages (wua). Problematic
East Futuna MP.MOO-MONA Moomona Red meat in lobster and crab
West Uvea MP.MOO-MONA Mumuna (Viande de roussette ou chair de poisson) graisseux Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi MP.MONO.A Mono/wai Water catchment, river, well Problematic
Tahitian MP.MONO.A Mono To stop, or cease to run, as blood, water, &c.
Tahitian CE.MONO.B Mono Successeur, remplaçant; succéder, remplacer. To be in the room or place of another; to substitute, or fill up vacancies (Dvs).
Tuamotu CE.MONO.B Mono Take place of, substitute for
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MOKO.4 Moko/moko Butt end of coconut; parenchymatous material
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.MOKO.4 Moko/moko Butt end of coconut; parenchymatous material
New Zealand Maori PN.MOSO.1A Moho (Notornis hochstetteri), Banded Rail (Rallus philippensis assimilis)
Nuguria NO.MOSO.3 Moso Muschelgürtel für Weiber
Takuu NO.MOSO.3 Moso Shellfish taxon, small white mollusc, used for attaching to a tuu moso ceremonial belt
Tahitian OC.MOSOKOI Motoʔi Ylang-ylang (arbuste) (Cananga odorata) Borrowed Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori CE.MOO-TEA Mootea Pale, white-faced
Moriori CE.MOO-TEA Motea/tea Shine (Wms)
Marquesas CE.MOO-TEA Mootea/tea Burn scar, very white
Mangareva CE.MOO-TEA Mo/te/tea Peau blanche; mêlé avec du blanc. Dashed with white; mingled with white; shaded off from white; a white skin (Tgr).
Penrhyn CE.MOO-TEA Moo/te/tea Pale
Rarotongan CE.MOO-TEA Mootea/tea/akaa White-faced, anaemic
Rarotongan CE.MOO-TEA Moo/te/tea Pale-skinned, sallow, wan
Tikopia CE.MOO-TEA Motea Pale, whitefaced (not in ) Problematic
Tuamotu CE.MOO-TEA Mootea Pale, whitish
Nukuoro XO.MOTI.1 Modi/modi Walk stealthily in a crouch
Sikaiana XO.MOTI.1 M(o)/moti To sneak up upon someone; to secretly listen in on a conversation
Takuu XO.MOTI.1 M/moti Sneak up on, approach slowly or with stealth, stalk
Tikopia XO.MOTI.1 Moti Stealthily; on tip-toe
Tuamotu TA.MOTI.2 Moti Bounded, limited (as one section of land by another); consumed (as food), destroyed, exterminated
Tuvalu PN.MATA-KITE.A Makakite Sharp of sight
Tuvalu EO.MATA-LIKI.B Mataliki The Seven Sisters
Tuvalu AN.MATE.1A Mate Die, dead. death; funeral wake
Tuvalu PN.MATE.1D Mate Extinguished
Tuvalu PN.MATE.2 Mate To guess, a guess
Tuvalu OC.MATUQU.A Matuu/tuu Recede temporarily (of rain) Problematic
Tuvalu AN.MAQURI Fua/mauli/ Testicle Problematic
Tuvalu PN.MA-WAHE Mavae Separated, parted
Tuvalu MP.MIMI Mimi Urinate
Tuvalu EC.MITI.4 Miti Sauce of salt-water, coconut cream and onions
Tuvalu PN.MORI.A Mo/moli/ Give or send gifts or testimony
Tuvalu PN.MO-MOHE Momoe Copulate
Tahitian TA.MOTI.2 Moti To terminate, as the boundary of land, or a season of the year
Tahitian TA.MOTI.2 Moti/a A boundary, termination or limit
East Futuna PN.MOTI-MOTI Motimoti Goutte
East Uvea PN.MOTI-MOTI Mosi(mosi) Petite pluie fine
Marquesas PN.MOTO.1 Moto Boxer a coups de pieds, a coups de poing. Cogner, frapper sur; donner des coups de tête à la manière du bélier (Lch).
Mangareva PN.MOTO.2A Moto Vert, pas mûr; mêler du fruit à pain pas encore mûr dans une pâte
Mangaia CE.KOO-MOTO Koomoto Coconut maturation stage: half-ripe, containing more flesh than water...
Tahitian PN.MOTO.2A Moto Hard or unfermented breadfruit put in a pit of mahi
Tongan PN.MOTO.2A Moto/moto (Of fruit) not quite ripe