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61268 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan CP.TUKU.A Tuku/nga Fishing ground (where net is cast)
Mangaia CP.TUKU.A Tuku Do net-fishing with *naariki* or *kootaataa* net
Tikopia CP.TUKU-TUKU Tukutuku Spider sp.
Tahitian CP.TUKU-TUKU Tuʔu The name of a species of spider
Tahitian CP.TUKU-TUKU Tuutuu A sort of spider
Tahitian CP.TUKU.A Tuu/tuu/tautai The frequent use of the fishing net
Mangareva CP.TUKU.A Tuku Jeter un filet en mer; couler un défunt (forme d'enterrement)
Mangareva CP.TUKU.A Tuku/nga Lieu profond dans le lagon ou on coulait les défunts (cimétière marin)
Hawaiian CP.TUKU.A Kuʔu Type of net let down from a canoe; gill net; to set or lower a net or catch in a net
Easter Island CP.TUKU.A Tuku To fish with a net
Easter Island CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku To fish with a conical net. Pescar nadando con una red que tiene forma de canasta o embudo (Egt).
Pukapuka CP.TUKU.A Tuku moana Method of hand-line fishing with a composite fishing apparatus from a stationary canoe outside the reef
Pukapuka CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku To pay out a line in fishing
West Futuna CP.TUKU.A Tuk/aina To lift down, pull down
West Futuna CP.TUKU.A Tuku To let down the line during the day
Ifira-Mele CP.TUKU.A Tuku/a Take down/off (something hanging)
Ifira-Mele CP.TUKU.A Tuku/ukina To lower, let down
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.TUKU.A Tuku-a To lower something down; be lowered
Rennellese CP.TUKU.A Tu/tuku To fall or drop from a height, as stones or small fruit...
Takuu CP.TUKU.A Tuku raa Lower a canoe sail
Takuu CP.TUKU.A Tuku/na Location where shark fishing occurs...
Takuu CP.TUKU.A T/tuku (Of wind) let up, subside, abate
Kapingamarangi CP.TUKU.A Dugu di laa To lower the sail
Nukuoro CP.TUKU.A Dugu de laa Lower sail
Tokelau CP.TUKU.A Tuku Cut down, fell (tree); let down (blinds, of traditional house)
Samoan CP.TUKU.A Tuʔu/tuʔu ifo To let down
Samoan CP.TUKU.A Tuʔu/tuʔu To lower; a style of fishing
Niue CP.TUKU.A Ma/tuku To subside, to become less
Niue CP.TUKU.A Tuku/tuku-iho To look down, to stoop down, in approaching a superior
Tongan CP.TUKU.A Toogoo To lower (a sail)
Tongan PN.TUKU.C Tuku To hand over, give; to leave behind; permit, allow, let
Niue PN.TUKU.C Tuku To let go, permit to depart; to give up, deliver up
East Uvea PN.TUKU.C Tuku Laisser, abandonner, céder
Samoan PN.TUKU.C Tuʔu Leave, give up, let go, let have; give, grant, hand (over)
West Futuna PN.TUKU.C Tuk/aina To unhook (esp. fish)
West Uvea PN.TUKU.C Tuku-a Quitter, laisser
Pukapuka PN.TUKU.C Tuku Let be; permit; hand to; leave until, wait
Easter Island PN.TUKU.C Tuku Let go, deliver, give
Marquesas PN.TUKU.C Tuku (MQN), tuʔu (MQS) Donner, distribuer, transmettre, céder, rendre; abandonnner, laisser aller; pardonner, oublier, remettre
Mangareva PN.TUKU.C Tuku Livrer une terre, une chose; envoyer; laisser aller les vaincus; se livrer à la merci des vents, de la mer; décharger une arme à feu; enseigner
Tahitian PN.TUKU.C Tuʔu Lâcher, laisser, libérer
Tuamotu PN.TUKU.C Tuku To loose, let go; give, deliver up; allow
Rapa PN.TUKU.C Tuku To release, give
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.TUKU.C Tuku Send forth, give
Moriori PN.TUKU.C Tuku, tchuku Let go, send; allow, admit; surrender, betray
Fijian CP.TUKU.A Tuku-ca To let down something hanging by loosening the rope
Rotuman CP.TUKU.A Fuʔu To take down, put down, let down, lower; (of tide) to begin to go out
Mangaia CK.WENE Vene(vene) Sweet, delicious
Marquesas CK.WENE Vene(vene) Orgueilleux, vaniteux Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva CK.WENE Ve/vena Gouter; approuver avec plaisir, éprouver une grande joie Problematic