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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian MQ.NIU.2 Niu Spinning, whirling, dizzy
Hawaiian MQ.NIU.2 ʔOo/niu Spinning top; to spin a top...
Marquesas OC.LOO O A species of emmet, different from that called Ko
Marquesas NP.LOA.2 Óa An expression of astonishment and perplexity
Marquesas NP.LOA.2 Wi óa! Who can it be!
Marquesas XE.OKA Óká/oka To pick; to introduce an instrument into a hole; also used obscenely
Marquesas FJ.HOGAHOGA.A Ókáoka (NKH), onaóna Stinging nettles
Marquesas AN.QONE Óne The soil
Marquesas AN.QONE Óne ti The beach, sand
Marquesas EP.RORO.1 Ó-o The brains
Marquesas CE.FEKII.A Pa/héi (at Tahouatta) sometimes used for a species [of fern] generally called *pa*
Marquesas EC.PA-LAFA Pa-áhha A kind of coffin, made by hollowing the trunk of a tree
Marquesas CE.PA-FORE Moa pahoé/hoé Non assez cuit (*ma*) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.PARA-HUU Páihhu Soft
Marquesas AN.PANA.1A Pánna To fillip
Marquesas EP.PARAAOA Paóa Whales, cur-fish, or porpoises
Marquesas XE.OKA Pá/óka A peg, or to drive a peg
Marquesas AN.PAKI.1 Pápókke To beat or chastise
Marquesas MP.PAPA.1A Páppa A board or plank. An oval wooden dish (THT).
Marquesas EP.PEKA.2A Patáika, patákka Across; to carry between two persons, with a pole upon their shoulders
Marquesas MQ.PATAKA Túnu patakka To broil upon embers
Marquesas MQ.PATAKA Tunu pataka, tunu pateá Braiser, faire griller
Mangareva MQ.PATAKA Pataka Mettre qc. à cuire sur le feu sans l'avoir enveloppé de feuilles
Marquesas OC.WELA.A Pavái-avái-a To smart
Marquesas OC.WELA.A Pa/veá/veá Ardent, brûlant; cuisant, piquant
Marquesas MP.PIA.2A Péa A term of reproach applied to men who have not the prepuce slit
Marquesas XE.KIO.2 Pe/kkéyo A male attendant, attached to a single or married woman, and cohabiting with her
Marquesas MP.PIPI.1 Pépe A periwinkle; an ornamental knob; a bead, button; a padlock
Marquesas PN.PIKI.2 Pe/pé A contraction of the limbs
Marquesas MP.PII.2A Kahóu pe/pé Oiled cloth
Marquesas MP.PIKI.1A Pe/pígge/éi A private combat; to fight together
Marquesas PN.PIKO.C (Peyo)péyo Parsimonious, avaricious
Marquesas PN.WALE-A.A Piáia Insane, deranged Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas MP.PAA.1 Pi/eke A detached part of a house, a kind of closet
Marquesas MP.PAA.1 Pa/iki Séparation, cloison en général; apartement, alcôve
Marquesas EP.PIKI.1B Pígge To climb; to go or come up
Marquesas EP.PIKI.1B Pígge/na Climbing; ingathering of the breadfruit
Tuamotu CE.TUU-PERE Tuupere To eat to repletion, until surfeited Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.PAE-PAE Pipí A raised pavement
East Uvea PN.POO.1B Po On se sert de *po* (aussi bien que de *'aho*) pour calculer les jours
East Uvea PN.POO.1B Ko po ʔe fia? Combien y a-t-il de jours?
Samoan PN.POO.1B Poo Day (of 24 hours, i.e. unit of time reckoning...)
Nukuoro PN.POO.1B Boo dolu de gulu The third day after breadfruit has been picked (after which it is not good to eat)
Nukuoro PN.POO.1B Hai de boo (o) Celebrate the birthday (of)
Tikopia PN.POO.1B Poo Night as unit of time, often equivalent to day
Hawaiian PN.POO.1B Poo Formerly the period of 24 hours beginning with nightfall
New Zealand Maori PN.POO.1B Poo In speaking of the passage of time, so many *days*: poo whitu, seven days
Easter Island PN.POO.1B Poo Parece que antiguamente significaba también un día entero...po tahi, un día...
Rennellese PN.POO.1B Poo Day (in counting time)
Rennellese PN.POO.1B Poo hia? How many days?