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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori NP.NANU.B Nanu Murmur with discontent
Marquesas MQ.KOERE Go aye Eel in fresh water
Marquesas MQ.KOERE Kuéi A watersnake or eel
Marquesas MQ.KOERE Kueʔe. Koeʔe (MQS) (Dln 1ŋ04). Anguille d'eau douce. Nom générique des anguilles d'espèces différentes (Lch).
Rarotongan NP.NANU.B Nanu Murmur with discontent
Marquesas XE.NIKU Ko/niku, ko/niú, í/niku, í/niú Nervure des folioles; conduit excréteur du lait
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.SAQELE Le/kee Go out, get away!; oh! (interjection indicating mild surprise)
New Zealand Maori RO.NANUE Nanua Butterfish (Chironemus spectabilis)
Penrhyn PN.NAO Noo Open tridacna shells, separate flesh from shell; shell opener, a pointed stick made from ngangie wood
Tahitian PN.NAO Na/nao Essayer d'atteindre, avec la main, un object visible. To thrust or introduce the hand or arm into any cavity, hole, or aperture (Dvs).
Tahitian PN.NAO Taa/nao, tii/nao Introduire la main dans un trou pour attraper une anguille, un crabe de terre
Tikopia PN.NAO Nao Drive in, penetrate
Marquesas CP.NAO-NAO Naonao Petites chevrettes. Petits moucherons (Lch).
Kapingamarangi NP.NAPE.A Nepe Fastening turn of the outrigger shroud to the middle boom; make a slip knot, slip through; tuck in, as a lavalava
Marquesas NP.NAPE.A Nape Pull (trigger). Tirer sur la gachette d'une arme à feu (Lch).
Sikaiana NP.NAPE.A Nape Action of sexual intercourse Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian NP.NAPE.A Napenape Etre actif; mettre en ordre, entretenir en état de marche Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu NP.NAPE.A Nape To braid, interlace round and round; to haul, pull in strongly, jerk, yank
New Zealand Maori CE.NAPE.B Nape Say falteringly, mis-say
Tuamotu CE.NAPE.B Nape/nape To slip, err, of the tongue; to say falteringly, mis-say
Fijian FJ.NASE Naci The greater roots of the yaqona plant
Marquesas FJ.NASE Nahe/i Root eaten in times of scarcity (Leach 2003)
Rarotongan FJ.NASE Naʔe A tree-fern (Angiopteris evecta)
Rarotongan FJ.NASE ʔAa/naʔe Kingfern (Angiopteris longifolia)
Samoan FJ.NASE Nase The giant fern (Angiopteris erecta) and (Marattia fraxinea) (Prt); (Angiopteris evecta) (Whr)
Tahitian FJ.NASE Nahe The gigantic fern, the root of which is used for food . (Angiopteris evecta)
Marquesas NP.NATI Nani (MQN), nati (MQS) Tie, fasten. Lier, attacher, ficeler; choyer.
Rarotongan NP.NATI Nati-a Bind, tie tightly round, tether, snare (in a noose)
Samoan NP.NATI Na(na)ti To tease, be importunate
Tokelau NP.NATI Na(na)ti Hurry, hasten; urge Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi OC.NATU.1 Nadu Shake someone back and forth, be rocked, as on a ship in rough water
Takuu OC.NATU.1 Natu To mix (e.g. grated starch and pounded fruit) by folding; knead (as in preparing sosoro food)
Tikopia OC.NATU.1 Natu Knead grated material such as taro, tumeric
Tuamotu OC.NATU.1 Natu Press with fingers as in kneading paste
Sikaiana OC.NATU.2 Natu A fruit that is eaten on Sikaiana
Kapingamarangi NP.NAU.1 Nau (Scaevola frutescens). (Scaevola taccada) (Emy).
Marquesas NP.NAU.1 Naʔu Espece de plante
Samoan NP.NAU.1 Nau (Alyxia stellata)
Samoan NP.NAU.1 Nau/nau A prostrate herb (Geophila herbacea)
Anuta XO.NAU.2 Nau Title for a married woman; kinship "title" for mother-in-law or daughter-in-law
Fijian XO.NAU.2 Nau Affectionate term for mother
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.NAU.2 Nauu Term of address for mother
Anuta XW.NAWU Namu To bleach one's hair by the application of a suspension of lime (calcium hydroxide) in salt water Problematic
Takuu EP.KUKU.1B Kkuu Fishing technique (A single line is dropped beyond the reef...sinker at the bottom and several hooks attached above on wooden spacers. The principal fish caught by this method is *paru*.) Problematic
Tahitian CE.NAU-PATA Naupata A tree (Scaevola frutescens) . Shrub sp. (Scaevola taccada)
Hawaiian EP.NAWE Nawe Panting for breath (as after exercise, illness) Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori EP.NAWE Na(na)we To be set on fire; kindled, excited (of feelings)
Rarotongan EP.NAWE Nave/nave (Feel) thrill of pleasure; delightful, exquisite
Rarotongan EP.NAWE Na/nave Exquisite (of sensation); delicate (of taste); extreme (of pleasure; to have or feel above qualities; be delighted; delight ; delight, pleasure
Tahitian EP.NAWE Nave Plaisir, agréable, délicieux; être charmé, se délecter