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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan NP.LAKIA Lekia Sorte de mouche qui vole sans cesse; (par fig.) inconstant Problematic
Tongan PN.LEPE Lepe/si Diviser, déchirer, détruire
East Uvea PN.QARA-FAKI ʔAlafaki te ʔumu Préparer des vivres avant le jour
East Uvea PN.FELA Fela Oeil, yeux (terme de mépris)
East Uvea PN.FELA Fela(-ʔi, -hi), fe/fela(-ʔi), fela/fela(-ʔi) Etre entr'ouvert; entr'ouvrir
Tongan EO.QAFU.2 Afu/gi Jeter copieusement, couvrir
East Uvea EO.QAFU.2 Afu/gia, afu/hi(a) Arroser, asperger
Tongan AN.RARA.1 Aa/ngaki To dry in front of the fire. Raviver (le feu, un malade par la moyen du feu) (Btn).
Tongan PN.QUHI.3 Koe/ʔuhi Because; because of, on account of, for the sake of
Tongan PN.QUHI.3 ʔUhi/nga Meaning; reason, object, purpose; argument, contention, position, view, attitude
East Uvea PN.QUHI.3 Kote/ʔuhi Parce que, à cause de Borrowed
East Uvea PN.QUHI.3 ʔUhi/ga Raison, motif; signification, sens; prétexte Borrowed
East Futuna PN.QUHI.3 Ui/ga Raison, signification; être sensé
Samoan PN.QUHI.3 Ui/ga An explanation; the meaning of anything
Tokelau PN.QUHI.3 Ui/ga Meaning; be about, regarding, concerning
Tongan MP.AWA Ava/ngi, ava/ki To perforate, make a hole or opening in; to scuttle (a ship); to lift so as to leave a little space underneath
Tongan PN.QARIKI Eki/naki Présider à un ouvrage
Samoan SO.QEPU Epu-a To stir about, to stir up (as water); to stir round, as arrowroot in preparing it
Marquesas CE.PEKA.2B Peka, peʔa Fourré impénétrable; s'étendre au loin (branches d'arbres); gourmands d'une plante; foisonner, abonder
Mangareva CE.PEKA.2B Pe/peeka Lieu rempli d'épines d'arbre, d'arêtes de poisson, ou morceaux de verre; être épineux; épais (se dit de plusieurs régimes réunis, de plusieurs rejetons)
Rarotongan CE.PEKA.2B Peka Criss-crossed, branched off, tangled; branch stream
Tongan PN.ENE.1 Faka/ene Ménager, traiter doucement
Marquesas CE.POHE Pohe (MQS) Treizième et dernière lune de l'année Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan NP.WEKU.1 Viku Wet Problematic
Marquesas NP.POTA Pota Moutarde (Sinapis); espèce de chicorée sauvage (Sonchus laevis)
Tongan OC.FUGA.1 Funga/ni Top row of flowers on an ornamental girdle; specially tasty thing eaten last; what is better than all the others
Marquesas PN.TUPE.1 Pu/tupe Espèce de coquillages (casque, conque) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.TAE.2A Tae/tae Richesses, biens... Problematic
Tongan XW.KAATAKI Kitaki To persevere Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.KATOFA Katofa Fixer la date, l'époque (obs.)
Marquesas CE.TEKA.3 Teka paufifi Clavicule
Tongan PN.MA-FITI Mofisi To send out sparks or spray; (of sparks, spray) to shoot out, fly off; (of beverage etc.) to sparkle, fizz, effervesce; (of tide) begin to come in; (of news) to be heard fragmentarily; to bristle up, show signs of anger Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.MA-FITI Mafisi Jaillir, pétiller, bondir, flamber, étinceller; arriver par hasard...
Samoan PN.MA-LEPE Malepe To be broken, come to pieces (of things which are put together or made, such as boats, boxes, houses).
Tokelau PN.MA-LEPE Malepe Disintegrate, be disintegrated
Tongan PN.MA-LEPE Molepe Tomber en déconfiture Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese PN.MA-LEPE Magepe To be in mourning; mourn, lament, groan with pain, regret Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.MA-MALU Mamalu, molu/malu Solemn, impressive, majestic, imposing, stately, dignified, magnificent
Tongan PN.MAQU.1 Moʔu- (with -a) Indicates continuation for a long time, or for too long a time
East Uvea PN.NEFU.2B Nefu/nefu, ne/nefu Poussiéreux, poudreux, couvert de poussiere, gris
Takuu XW.LAFU.3 Lahu/tia Sick from eating bad food; rash appearing on skin after eating food to which one is allergic
Mangareva PN.NEFU.2B Pa/neʔu Etre gris, sale, couvert de poussière; être flétri, qui a perdu sa fraîcheur, sa couleur
New Zealand Maori PN.NEFU.2B Nehu Fine powder, dust
Rarotongan PN.NEFU.2B Neʔu Moulder, tarnish
Tongan PN.PEWA Pa/peva, ta/peva To sprain one's ankle
Tongan CC.PII.2B Pii/ponu Wet through, saturated Problematic
East Uvea PN.TAU-QA Tauʔa Les gens dan la cérémonie du kava; lieu opposé de l'*alofi* où se trouvent les *tano'a* dans la cérémonie du kava
Tongan PN.TAU-SALA Touhala To do at the wrong time, etc.
Tongan SO.TAU.10 Tou/ia Atteint, blessé Problematic
Tongan PN.TAU-TAMA Toutama To give suck, to suckle a child; woman suckling a child. Nourrice (Btn).