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61191 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan PN.MAA-HINA Maahine/hina To show up white, to present a white appearance
Tokelau PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Light, beam (n); be clear, be distinct
Samoan PN.MAA-HINA Maina To shine, of fire. Shine (on), flash (on) (Mnr).
East Uvea PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Transparent, qui laisse passer la lumière; clair (étoffe); troué, percé
East Futuna PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Briller (phare, lumière), éblouir (intransitif)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-HINA Maina Kindle Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-HINA Maaina/ina Bask Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu CE.MA-INAINA Maina(ina) Angry, indignant, resentful
Ifira-Mele EO.NOO-GIA Kai/nuumwia To ask (a person) for (something) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan MP.QOLOGAA ʔOlongaa A kind of tree with greyish leaves. (Its bark was formerly used for making string.)
Tongan FJ.HOGAHOGA.A Hongohongo A kind of nettle (Urticaceae)
Marquesas NP.ASOGAA Hoka Shrubs or small trees (Pipturus spp.)
Tokelau PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ogo/hia Be hurt, feel pain
Nukumanu PN.HOGAHOGA.B Matai/ona Thorny bush
Luangiua PN.HOGAHOGA.B Mimi/ogo Pain when urinating
Rennellese PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ongoongo To itch
Rarotongan PN.HOGAHOGA.B ʔOngoʔongo Angry and upset, vexed, nettled, stung (with rage); bitter (of feelings)
New Zealand Maori PN.HOGAHOGA.B Ongaonga To tingle, as the ears; repulsion, distaste
New Zealand Maori PN.HOGAHOGA.B Whata/ongaonga Annoy, pain (vt); goad, excite
Tikopia PN.KAKAMIKA Kamika Bush with spiky flower (unidentified), common on edge of cultivation... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Emae FJ.QULAFI Ulafi Large parrotfish Phonologically Irregular
Emae MP.QATULE Ture Mackerel (Rastrelliger)
Ifira-Mele MP.QALOGO Teerogo Surgeonfish sp. (Acanthurus lineatus)
Emae SO.UMU Umu Triggerfish (Balistes spp.)
Tuvalu PN.MATE-GA Matega Death (the state of being dead, the act of dying)
Tuvalu PN.QUHI.3 Ui/ga Meaning. About, concerning, regarding; personality, character, behaviour(Jsn).
Tuvalu XW.FAI-TALIHA Faitalia No matter what, whatever the circumstances
Tuvalu SO.SAGA.1C Aga Feast for firstborn; general term for feasts given for someone Phonologically Irregular
Tuvalu PN.KIKI.1 Kiki To eat one food with another; to mix foods in the mouth. Protein (may refer to meat, fish or anything else eaten with rice, *pulaka* etc.; to eat protein or other food with rice (Jsn).
Tuvalu PN.KINA.3 Kiina/ga Non-vegetable food contributed by family to communal feast (consists of pork, fish or chicken and forms part of the *fakaluaga*).
Tuvalu PN.RAGI Lagi/lagi Send on frequent errands
Tuvalu PN.RAGI Lagi An agreement as to how much food should be provided for a gathering in *aahiga*.
Tuvalu PN.MAFA-TIA Mafatia (pl. maafatia) To be weighed down, under pressure; depressed, sad (*loto mafatia*)
Tuvalu XW.SAI Sai To be shapely (of waist)
Tuvalu FJ.HIFO.C Ifo Bow down in prayer. To beg, humbly request; to give up, capitulate, surrender (Jsn).
Tuvalu MP.SUKI.A S/sui To sew Borrowed
Tuvalu FJ.TAU-NAMU Tainamu Mosquito net
Tuvalu PN.QISI N/isi (< ne isi) Some, other
Tuvalu PN.QISI Isi Exist, be present; other, next, another
Tuvalu EO.FOQI.1 Foi/tino Body, flesh
Tuvalu PN.MAA-HINA Maaina Light (not dark); shine; understand