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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.E.2 E Préposition indiquant par qui l'action est faite. Case marker: agentive (Mtu).
New Zealand Maori CE.E...ANA E...ana Imperfect tense, habitual tense
Rarotongan CE.E...ANA E...ana Imperfect, habitual tense
Tahitian CE.E...ANA Tee...ana Il est encore employée de nos jours pour indiquer le continuatif, soit le present indéfini
New Zealand Maori PN.EQA.A Ea Appear above surface of water, horizon (of heavenly bodies); reappear
Marquesas PN.EQA.A Ea, ea (a)ʔe. Eea (Mtu). Rise to surface of water. Reparaître sur l'eau
Mangareva PN.EQA.A Ea. Eea (Rch). Take in air (of a diver). Respirer (se dit des plongeurs, qui remontent sur l'eau pour respirer). Jaillir, sourdre.
Nukuoro PN.EQA.A Ea To surface (while swimming); to be on the surface of the water, stop swimming
Penrhyn PN.EQA.A Ea Rise to surface of water
Rennellese PN.EQA.A Eʔa Appear, come, go, arrive, penetrate
Sikaiana PN.EQA.A Eea To appear above the surface of the water, as coral at low tide.
Kapingamarangi PN.EQA.A Ae To broach the surface of the water, to surface (fish) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.EQA.A E/ea Déborder (liquide par pression sur le contenant)
West Uvea XO.QEFA Efa Grand (de grande taille); grand (par le volume); grand (par l'importance sociale); dans une suite verbale, sert d'intensif: très
Rotuman XW.EFE Efe Refuse of grated coconut or arrowroot after mixing with water and squeezing out Borrowed
Tongan XW.EFE Efe Sediment from coconut oil; refuse of kava after pounding and straining
Sikaiana AN.EFU.1 Ehu Dirty (of water)
East Futuna XW.EFU.2 Efu Espece de nattes fines
Tahitian TA.EE-IA Eie Old plural form qui, pour beaucoup de locuteurs modernes, ont perdu tout rapport avec le nombre
West Uvea PN.QELO Elo (Tubercule) pourri en terre [Heo Dialect]; (poisson) pourri [Muli Dialect]
Mangareva PN.QEMI Emi. Emi/emi (Rch). Trembler de crainte ou de colère. Frémir; trembler de passion (Rch).
New Zealand Maori NP.ENE.2 Ene(ene) Endeavour to get something by flattery; flatter, cajole
Niue PN.QENE Ene, kene, tene To poke (usually refers to very careful poking with a rod into cavity to get an animal to come out) Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas NP.EE-NEI Enei Ci, celui-ci, ceux-ci, ci, actuellement, maintenant, présentement
Easter Island EP.QEO ʔEo Fragrant, odorous, perfumed, scented; aroma, fragrance, odour, perfume, scent, smell
Marquesas EP.QEO ʔEoʔeo Qui exhale une odeur forte, couvé, gâté, pourri (en parlant des oeufs)
Mangareva EP.QEO Eo Exhaler mauvaise odeur; infecter
Easter Island OC.QEPA ʔEpa Tendido horizontalmente
East Uvea OC.QEPA Epa Lit a plusieurs nattes
Pukapuka OC.QEPA Epa/epa Sleeping mat best type of mat made from laukie material
Rennellese OC.QEPA Epa Small mat, formerly also the ceremonial mat on which Tehu'aigabenga or Tehainga'atua was supported to sit and rest
Takuu OC.QEPA Epa Coconut leaf mat in a clan elder's house on which the elder lies, and on which very sick people are ritually treated; woven container for turmeric powder stored inside a section of large-diameter bamboo
Tikopia OC.QEPA Epa Ritual offering of finely plaited Pandanus mats
Niue PN.QEPO Epo(epo). N/epo(n/epo) (McE) Lick, taste Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QEPO Epo/sia To taste
Easter Island EP.QETE.* ʔEʔete Disgusting, having bad taste; get angry, indignant, be in bad humour
Easter Island EP.QETE.* Haka/ʔeʔete Reject something with disgust, show disgust at something
Marquesas EP.QETE.* Ete/ete Tremble [Southeast Marquesan Dialect]
Mangareva EP.QETE.* Ete Afraid
Pukapuka PN.QETE-QETE Waka/eteete Make something frightening to keep people away
Tahitian EP.QETE.* Ete/ete Shocked, disgusted, shamed
East Uvea PN.QETE-QETE (ʔE)ʔete Agir avec precaution
Pukapuka PN.QETE-QETE Ete Be respectful, heedful, show deference; afraid of, fear
Pukapuka PN.QETE-QETE Waka/ete/ngia Draw back, retreat
Rennellese PN.QETE-QETE ʔEte/ʔaki Be under strict taboo, sacred, not promiscuous
Tongan PN.QETE-QETE ʔEte(ʔete) Walk on toe, heel, edge of foot (as when sore)
East Futuna MP.QETI Gegeti Husk/strip with teeth Problematic
East Uvea MP.QETI ʔEsi Oter l'enveloppe d'un coco
Mangareva MP.QETI Eti Tear with teeth. Déchirer quelque chose avec les dents; enlever les épines des feuilles du pandanus pour les rendre maniables; ôter les arêtes de poissons
Niue MP.QETI Eti To bite off (as rind of sugarcane, etc)