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1032 Results matching "kau" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Futuna OC.KAU-KAU Kou kau Nager le croul
Hawaiian PN.TAU-PILI Kaupili Beloved wife or friend; beloved friendship; united in such close relationship
Nuguria PN.KAO-KAO Kaukau Longitudinal house strut Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.KAO-KAO Kaukau A part of the roof of a house: a pole that rests horizontally on the large roof beams {oka naniu} and supports the small roofbeams {oka likiliki} Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria PN.QULU.2 Uru raakau Bundle of wood
Tokelau NP.MANU.1B Manu A constellation which appears during Kaununu (early October or late November)
Tongan AN.WAQE Kau/vaʔe Leg (incl. the foot) from the knee downwards, shank
East Uvea AN.TAA.1B Ta ʔakau Couper du bois
Tongan XW.KAU-MEQA Kaumeʔa Friend; friendship
East Uvea XW.KAU-MEQA Kau-meʔa Ami, compagnon, camarade
East Futuna XW.KAU-MEQA Kauneʔa Ami
Niue PN.KAU.7 Kau To team up, act in an organized way
Rennellese OC.GAFA Ngaha kau kiba Distance between elbow ends with hands or fingertips touching over chest
Niue MP.PIA.1 Kau/pia Arrowroot leftover (dregs)
Niue PN.PUU.2 Kau/puu Bottom, backside
Hawaiian PN.TAU.12 Kau/pale To cover an oven, especially with rocks on its edge to keep earth out
East Futuna PN.TAU-WALO Tauvalo Choisir sa nourriture (postverbe): E kau kai tauvalo. Je mange ce qui me plait. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.TUU-KAU.A Tukau That part of a fish-spear to which the prongs are bound
New Zealand Maori TO.FAKA-TUU Whakatuu raakau Practise with weapons
Niue XW.FAKA-QUGA-QUGA Fakaugauga To make small cuts, to chip
Niue PN.FAKA-HURU Fakaulu To open [new house etc.], to launch Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.FAKA-HURU Fakaulu Faire entrer, introduire
East Futuna PN.FAKA-HURU Fakaulu Faire entrer; embaucher; marquer un but
Tokelau PN.FAKA-HURU Fakaulu Hold a feast to mark the arrival of the firstborn child of a married couple; hold a ceremony to formally mark the completion of an enterprise such as the building of a canoe, house, etc.
New Zealand Maori PN.FAKA-HURU Whakauru Insert; ally oneself to, join; assist
Rarotongan PN.FAKA-HURU ʔAkauru Enter or emerge from (a passage by canoe) [ex. help to...]
Takuu PN.FAKA-HURU Hakauru Place something inside something else; contribute to; dye
Tongan XW.FAKA-UMI-UMI Fakaumiumi/noa To mope; to be gloomy or sombre
Niue XW.FAKA-UMI-UMI Fakaumiumi Reluctance; to slow down, to hold back
East Futuna PN.TU-TUQU Kakau/tutuʔu Dauphin
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.FEKAU.A Fakau/tania Send (vt)
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FEKAU.B Hai hekau To serve, work for someone
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAU-QI Kaui/i Be replaced, compensated Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.TUQU-GA.2 Tuga laakau A place where sticks and branches are placed when clearing land
New Zealand Maori PN.HAKE.C Mea (kau) ake Immediately, soon, in a very little while
Luangiua PN.TAU.12 Kaua haku Oven for taro
Luangiua MP.TAU.5 Kau/ŋa suu Dew
Luangiua MP.TAUTU Save kauku Long finned gurnard
Emae PN.RAQA-KAU.B Raakau (Piece of) wood, stick, timber
Niue EO.FILO Filo kaufana Bow string
East Futuna PN.KAU-NATU Kaunato Bois que l'on frottait pour faire du feu
Tokelau OC.SIKA.2 Hika/aga Dry wood which is held onto the ground firmly while being rubbed to and fro with the kaunatu until a fire is produced; the place on the wood where the kaunatu is rubbed to start a fire
Tongan PN.LAU-HAKAU Lauhakau Area (in the sea) more or less covered with reefs
East Uvea PN.LAU-HAKAU Lauhakau Récif
Tokelau PN.LAU-HAKAU Lauakau Reef surrounding an island
Tikopia PN.LAU-HAKAU Rauakau Fishing grounds; place where fish feed (i.e. expanse of reefs beneath sea)
Takuu PN.LAU-HAKAU Lauakau, rau akau Bare reef
Marquesas AN.LAU.1A ʔAu (MQS), kau (MQN) Feuille des arbres, des plantes
Marquesas TA.KAIORE Kauoʔe. Kauʔoe (Dln). Fruit à pain qui tombe avant maturité
Marquesas MQ.PIIKAO Pokau (MQN), pokao (Ua Pou), poʔao (MQS) Empaqueter, envelopper, paquet; plis, rides Phonologically Irregular