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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua MP.FIRI.1 Hili/ŋa Finishing off mat
Sikaiana MP.FIRI.1 Hili Lash; wooden slats of house walling made from pandanus root
Hawaiian CE.FIRIGA Hilina Month name, December-January (Kamakau 1976:14)
Mangareva CE.FIRIGA ʔIri, Irigama Mois d'Octobre
Tuamotu CE.FIRIGA Hiringa May or July, according to two distinct counting systems
Tongan PN.FILIMOTO Filimoto Tree sp. Flacourtia rukam (in the Niuas); Xylosma simulans
New Zealand Maori CE.FIRINAKI Whaka/whirinaki/ Lean against anything; trust in, depend on; make fast, secure
Easter Island EO.FILO Hiro Plait, braid. Twist (e.g. as in making rope) (Wbr).
Mangareva EO.FILO ʔIro (plural ʔiʔiro, ʔiroʔiro) Faire des ficelles sur les cuisses à la manière traditionelle
Luangiua EO.FILO Hilo Make rope; rolling netting fibre on thigh
Tongan EO.FILO Filo(ilo) Spin, make thread string or rope; thread, cotton, thin string
Nukuoro PN.FINA-GALO Hinangalo/malie Feel happy, contented, at peace with the world
New Zealand Maori OC.FINE Hine Term of address to young woman
Luangiua OC.FINE Hiŋe Woman Problematic
East Uvea PN.FINE-MATUQA.A Fine matuʔa Old woman
Emae PN.FINE-MATUQA.A Finamatua Wife, old woman
East Futuna PN.FINE-MATUQA.A Finematuʔa Femme d'âge mur; vielle femme
Tongan PN.FINE-MATUQA.A Finemotuʔa Elderly woman
East Futuna FU.FINE-MATUQA.B Fine matuʔa Mature, married woman; wife
Emae FU.FINE-MATUQA.B Finematua Wife, old woman
Rennellese FU.FINE-MATUQA.B Hi(g)imatuʔa Wife Phonologically Irregular
Fijian OC.FISO.2 Vico A wild Sugarcane (Erianthus maximus)
Samoan OC.FISO.2 Fiso Large reed sp. (Erianthus maximus) (stems contain sugar, were chewed by children)
Niue PN.FIITAQA.A Fitaa Definitely; sn emphatic affirmative, yes indeed, definitely yes. To already have done something (Sph). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva MP.FITI.1A ʔIti Jump, start. Sauter (puces); changer brusquement de sujet, la manière de parler; venir sur l'entrefaite, survenir (se dit des pensées qui survennient à l'esprit)
Nukuoro MP.FITI.1A Hidi de mamu dunu Curling up of fish (when cooked)
Tahitian MP.FITI.1A Hiti/mahuta Sursauter, tressaillir
New Zealand Maori TA.FII-TOI Whiitau Flax fibre prepared for weaving by removing outer skin [Eastern Maori Dialect] (Bgs.)
Luangiua FJ.FOO.1 Hoo Small fish sp
Pukapuka FJ.FOO.1 Woo A small fish seen seasonally in large shoals
Takuu FJ.FOO.1 Fo A small fish
Nukuoro AN.POO-POO.A Booboo Massage
Marquesas PN.FOO.2A Ho Masser, massage, frictionner ave la main, frotter. Lécher, se lécher (Lch).
Mangareva PN.FOO.2A ʔOo Presser avec les doigts un mal, une blessure; tenir dans ses mains les pieds d'un nouveau-né pour le redresser
Niue PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Massage
Samoan PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Give medical treatment; masseur. Generic term for all types of healer; treatment (McP).
Tokelau PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Masseur, masseuse; cure, remedy
Tokelau PN.FOO.2A Foo/foo Apply massage gently
Tongan PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Massage by rubbing downwards
Luangiua OC.FOA.A Hoa Break, smash, split
Rennellese OC.FOA.A Hoa(hoa) Crack, split, smash; Break (as egg, nut)
West Futuna OC.FOA.A Foa Smash
East Futuna PN.FOA.B Foa Make a path. Dégager (une route) (Mfr).
Niue PN.FOA.B Foa To make a road, clear an opening. To clear an open space, to make a clearing (Sph).
Tokelau PN.FOA.B Foa Make, carve or shape something out of a rock, coral etc. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian TA.FOA.C Hoa Maux de tête persistants comme ceux qu’occasionne la sinusite
Niue AN.FOAKI Foaki Give (used in formal speech)
Samoan PN.FOO.2A Foo/maʔi Doctor, assistant medical practitioner
Tahitian PN.FOFOGA Hohoʔa Image, photographie, film de cinéma, portrait, apparence, aspect, traits du visage
Mangareva EP.FOFONU.* ʔOʔonu Deep. Profond; mer montante, marée haute.