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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Ifira-Mele PN.MATE.1C Mate/a Love passionately
West Futuna PN.MATE.1C Mate ta vai Thirsty
Mangareva PN.MA-TIKE Matike Réchapper d'une maladie; pécheur qui écoute et se convertit
West Futuna PN.MATE.1C Mate/ia To long for, to be dying for a thing
West Futuna PN.MATUQA.B Poja rima matua; poja vae matua Thumb; big toe
West Futuna AN.MAMAWA Mavah/mava Etre essouflé
West Futuna PN.MA-WAHE Ma/ve/vai (ANI) To decompose
West Futuna PN.MA-WAHE Ma/ve/vae Dispersion des fruits d'une grappe qui tombe
Tongan PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Fakamata-ʔi To sharpen to a point, sharpen the point of
Niue PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Fakamata To sharpen
East Uvea PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Fakamata Aiguiser, affiler, rendre pointu, aigu
East Futuna PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Fakamata/kakai Aiguiser
Samoan PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Faʔamata To sharpen
Tokelau PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Fakamata Sharpen
Takuu PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Hakamata-ina, -ria Sharpen something to a point
Nuguria PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Hakamata Sharpen (spear, pencil, husking stick)
Rennellese PN.FAKA-MATA.1 Hakamata To sharpen
Anuta PN.PITO.2 Tau/pito mai Nearby Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian PN.TAU-PILI Taupiri/maona A wrestling match Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.TAU-PILI Taupiri Clinging close, maintaining attachment, intimate
Sikaiana PN.KAO-KAO Kaukau A part of the roof of a house: a pole that rests horizontally on the large roof beams {oka naniu} and supports the small roofbeams {oka likiliki} Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.MANU-A Manua Maggoty, anty, etc., having a lot of insects or other little creatures in it or on it
East Uvea PN.MANU-A Manua Etre plein de petites bêtes
East Futuna PN.MANU-A Manua Etre plein de vers intestinaux
Nukuoro PN.MANU-A Manua Diseased
Nuguria PN.MANU-A Manua Get insects (of an old flower)
New Zealand Maori PN.MANU-A Manu/manua/a Rotten, of timber etc. Problematic
Rennellese PN.MANU-A Manua To be infected, eaten, germ-ridden
Nuguria PN.MAQU-LALO Mauraro Low, shallow (of water)
New Zealand Maori OC.QAO.1 Ao/uri One of the Magellanic Clouds
Nuguria PN.TAMA.1B Tama(a)- Diminutive, combines with many nouns
Nuguria NP.TAPERE Tapere Open basket, used to gather eggs and shells; made of coconut leaves, with a handle, quickly woven, used and thrown away
Nuguria PN.TIQAKI Tiake Remain, stay (behind); be abandoned, left behind Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria PN.TUQU-LA Tuura Shell root (of small growing clams)
Tikopia SO.TUQU-LAGA.B Tuuraga Cut-mark
East Futuna NP.KOI-GA Koiga Limite, marquée par des croix en troncs de cocotier, entre les différents domaines
Nukuoro NP.KOI-GA Goinga A boundary marker (of stone)
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.KOI-GA Pa/ngoi Boundary marker of property Phonologically Irregular
Ifira-Mele NP.KOI-GA Koi Boundary, boundary marker; line, row (of things)
West Futuna SO.TUQU-TA Tuta Canoe made of two trees [Aniwa Dialect]
Tikopia PN.MOTO.2A Moto/moto Freshly mature [ex. coconut]; virgin (girl or boy)
Tahitian TA.KOO-UA ʔOouo Coco dont l'amande n'est pas du tout formée. Cocoanut, before the kernel forms (Dvs).
Emae AN.MATA.2A Mata Raw, uncooked
Tongan PN.ALA Ala(fi) To gather or catch with the hands (certain kinds of shellfish and small crabs)
East Uvea PN.ALA Ala(ala) Palper, toucher, porter la main sur, caresser
Tongan PN.ALA Ala/fia (of a woman) To be married; not to be a virgin
Samoan PN.LAWE.2A Faʔa/lave/lave Important occasion; accident, danger, trouble (anything which interferes with normal life and calls for special activity)
Samoan EO.TAFI Faʔa/tafi Purge the stomach
Samoan PN.MAALOSI Ivi maalosi Tibia
Samoan AN.LALO.A Lalo/mata Lower eyelid