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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue PN.FOTA.1A Fota/fota To press repeatedly, massage
Nukuoro PN.KAKU.1 Gagu Well-mannered Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese PN.KAKU.1 Haka/kaku To grow slowly, as a child; to be immature; to delay
Tongan PN.KAPE.2 Kape/ʔi To lever up (a small thing, such as the lid of a tin); to gouge out or take out (e.g. a splinter) in this manner
Niue PN.KIKII Kii To whistle in a shrill manner. To fart (Sph). To squeak (Lws).
East Futuna XW.LAGA.3 Laga Se manifester (douleur)
East Futuna PN.LAGA.1D Laga/ʔi Démarrer (construction); réveiller, provoquer
East Futuna TO.LAKU.2 Laku S'accoupler, faire l'amour avec une maitresse Problematic
East Futuna OC.LOKI Loki Cloison en écorce de murier tapée utilisée pour isoler une partie de la msison destinée à la nuit de noces des nouveaux mariés
Niue PN.MA-QOPO Maopo, malopo Out of shape Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea TO.LUTU (Lu)lutu Bruit, fait dans l'eau avec la main ou autrement; faire un bruit ainsi tremblement; trembler
Samoan TO.LUTU Lotu, ?lutu To make a hollow sound in the water with the hand
Niue SO.MAQAA Maaa Brother-in-law, sister-in-law Problematic
Niue PN.MAQA.1 Maa/ki To be faded, washed out
Niue CC.FUNA.3 Ma/funa/funa Crumble, fall to bits. Mashed (McE).
Tongan PN.FUNA.4 Ma/funa Ragged or uneven on the surface; flakes on the skin or scalp, scurf, etc.
Niue MP.MAGO Maago/a Empty, dry (of fallen coconut)
Niue PN.QILO-GA Ma/iloga To distinguish, to recognize, to acknowledge. Sign, mark (McE).
East Uvea FJ.MALI-MALI (Ma(ll))mali Sourire
Tongan PN.MAALUU.2 Maluu (of wind, sea, or day) Mild, pleasantly calm; (of pain) abated, gone
Tongan PN.MAALUU.1A Maaluu/luu Moist and soft
East Uvea PN.MAALUU.2 Maluu Etre calme, tranquille
Samoan PN.MAALUU.2 Maaluu Refreshing (e.g. of rain), sweet (of disposition); soothing, comforting
Tokelau PN.MAALUU.2 Maaluu Calm; sweet
Pukapuka PN.MAALUU.2 Yau/maaluu Calm, gentle in nature
Easter Island PN.MAALUU.2 Hau/maruu Peace
Marquesas PN.MAALUU.2 Moʔu Paix, paisable, pacifique, doux, patient. Lentement, slowly. Gentil, aimable; kind, nice, pleasant (Atl).
Tahitian PN.MAALUU.2 Maruu Gentil, poli, doux; doucement
Tuamotu PN.MAALUU.2 Maruu Gentle, to be, gentleness, mildness
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.MAALUU.2 Maru (Wind) calm down
Rarotongan PN.MAALUU.2 Maruu Light (of the wind); easy, not arduous; mild, eased (of pain, illness); mellow and low-pitched, especially of bass voices; mild and gentle (of disposition, manner)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAALUU.2 Maaruu Gentle, easy, calm; low in tone
Takuu MP.MALUU.A Maruu (of an arm or leg) Buckle; (of a wave) weak, not strong; (of pounded food etc.) soft, pliable; (of a rope) slack
Tongan PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa String with which a decoy bird is tethered Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.MAA-NOQA Manoʔo Bound and tied too tight; constricted or gripped too tight (e.g. by a wedding ring)
Niue PN.MAA-NOQA Manoa. Maanoa (McE). Thread. Spool, reel (McE).
East Uvea PN.MAA-NOQA Manoʔa Lié, serré
East Futuna PN.MAA-NOQA Manoʔa S'étrangler; être étranglé; être plus petit au milieu qu'aux extrémités (pour une tubercule); étranglement, noeud
Samoan PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa Thread, string
Rennellese PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa Cloth or leather as attached to the two ends of the rubber in a sling; line attached to the leg of a tame pigeon Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MAO.2 Mao mao V mai: Be perceived (by speaker) as a result of V Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MATA-QALI Mataali Premature (of fruit)
Niue SO.TAFA-QATA Ma/tafa/tafa Break of day. Daybreak (Sph).
Niue SO.TAFA-QATA Ma/tafa/tafaata Early morning
Niue PN.MATA-A-PULE Matapule/ga Ceremonial rite of passage (in modern times associated with circumcision)
Niue AN.MATUQA.A Matua Elder (n)
Niue PN.MELO Melo Mixed (of colour) (mainly refers to shades of yellow, green, red and brown); to redden (of face or eyes, as when close to tears)
Niue PN.QIKAI Na/kai Post-verbal marker of neutral yes-no questions
Tongan NP.NEKE.1A Neke To treat or represent as being of special importance, or especially difficult or painful, etc.; to make a fuss of Problematic
East Futuna FJ.NEE Nei Sert à l'expression de l'exclamatif (modalité postverbale avec les modalités kao ou koi)