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660 Results matching "aku" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau NP.MAKUKU.2 Makuku Sprain (of the upper joints, from waist upwards)
New Zealand Maori NP.MAKUKU.2 Makuku Indolent, inactive Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva MP.KAWE.2A Kave/kave/a/pakuivi S’entraider à porter un fardeau sur l’épaule
New Zealand Maori CE.KUKA.2 Kukakuka Dry epidermis of flax removed in scutching
East Uvea ??.KULA-KULA Kulakula Rouge; nom donné à la lymphangique éléphantiasique
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.RAKU Ra/raku To scratch
Penrhyn TA.I-NAAKUANEI (I)nakuanei, nakoanei Just now, earlier today
Tuamotu TA.I-NAAKUANEI Inaakuanei Today already; reference prior to the time of speaking
East Futuna PN.LAKU.1 Laku Jeter; poser sans soin
Luangiua PN.LAKU.1 Laku Throw Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua PN.LAKU.1 Laku/laku Throw fishing line from beach Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.LAKU.3 Laku Charger (un camion)
Ifira-Mele PN.LAKU.3 Raa/raku Unload; move one's place of residence
Rennellese PN.LAKU.3 Gaku Be abundant, plentiful; bring or collect in great quantities; gather together, as crowds of people
Tokelau PN.LAKU.3 Laku Carry (a large number of things, e.g. cargo) from one place to another
Tikopia PN.LAKU.1 Raku Throw away, cast out, toss over
Tongan PN.LAKU.1 Laku Throw or toss out, dump; bestow freely etc. (obj. large number or quantity)
Easter Island AN.RAKU Ra/raku, raku/raku Scratch
East Uvea AN.RAKU Vaku To scratch Problematic
Emae AN.RAKU Raku/tia To scratch
New Zealand Maori AN.RAKU Rakuraku Rake n
Moriori AN.RAKU Raku Scrape
Mangareva AN.RAKU Raku/raku Scratch. Se gratter, frotter avec les ongles l'endroit qui démange.
Niue AN.RAKU V/aku(v/aku) Scribble, scratch Phonologically Irregular
Niue AN.RAKU Laku To mix; to touch, handle Problematic
Penrhyn AN.RAKU Ra/raku/ Scratch with fingernails or claws
Penrhyn AN.RAKU Raku/raku Scratch
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.RAKU Laku Scratch
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.RAKU Laku/hia Scratch the body
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.RAKU Laku/ia Scratch
Pukapuka AN.RAKU La/laku/ Scratch
Rarotongan AN.RAKU Raku(raku) Scratch with fingernails or claws
Rarotongan AN.RAKU Raraku Scratched
Sikaiana AN.RAKU Laku/laku To scratch; to draw someone's attention by scratching them
Tikopia AN.RAKU Raku Throw away, cast out Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan AN.RAKU Vaku Scratch Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu AN.RAKU Raku Scratch, scrape
Tuamotu AN.RAKU Ra/raku/ Scratch with fingernails
Luangiua OC.LELE.A Le/aku Jump
Takuu NP.LOOLOA Roroa Fish sp. Similar to aku (needlefish) (Mle).
Marquesas NP.MAKUKU.2 Makuku/kuku Douleur qu'on éprouve quand on mange quelque chose de dur
Takuu OC.MAKO.3 Mako/pini, moko/pini Hardwood tree growing plentifully on Takuu island between Te Kaaina and I Tuattori
New Zealand Maori CE.MAA-KUU Maakuu Damp, wet
Mangareva CE.MAA-KUU Ao/maku, au/maku Humid, moist, damp. Humide (Rch).
East Futuna PN.MAKUKU.1 Makuku Petit bruit
East Uvea PN.MAKUKU.1 Makuku Faire un peu de bruit
Rarotongan PN.MAKUKU.1 Makumaku Peculiar sound, queer noise Problematic
Rennellese PN.MAKUKU.1 Makuku Sound slightly, crackle, as bones when lifting something
East Uvea NP.MAKUKU.2 Makuku Mauvais fonctionnement
Tikopia NP.MAKUKU.2 Makuukuu Injured, as by sprain, dislocation