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247 Results matching "rua" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori TA.RUA-ROA Maa/rua-roa The second month of the Maori year during which the winter solstice occurred
Tahitian TA.RUA-ROA Rua-maoro The summer solstice in December Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu TA.RUA-ROA Rua-roa Summer solstice
West Futuna NP.LUA-NI Ruana Lowly, common
Tikopia SO.LUATUQU Ruatu East, easterly, north of easterly
Niue MP.MALO Malo Loin cloth; menstruation pad. A waist belt or cloth (McE).
Takuu PN.MAO.1 Mao (of rain, urination, defecation or a menstrual period) Over, finished
Rennellese PN.MAATA-KI Mataki/taki Calm season when voyages were made between Rennell and Bellona, about December to February Problematic
New Zealand Maori NP.MATA-LUA Matarua(rua) Shark sp
West Futuna NP.MATA-LUA Matárua Fish sp
Penrhyn MP.MUTU.2 Koo/mutu/mutu Humbug dascyllus Dascylluaruanu)
New Zealand Maori CE.PAIRUA Pairua Nausea, feeling of disgust
Samoan PN.PALA-PALA Palapala Muddy. Dirty, unhygienic; polite term for blood, esp. menstrual blood (McP).
Tikopia PN.PANE.A Pane/rua Parrotfish, including Bluntheaded Parrotfish
Tahitian EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri February. A name given to two stars that appear nearly joining (Dvs).
Tahitian NP.POTA Pota Chou; jeunes feuilles de taro et de taruaa qui, cuites à la manière des épinards, donnent le faafaa
New Zealand Maori CE.PUAGA Puuanga/rua Rigel in Orion whose heliacal rising in June marked the start of the year (Stowell)
Mangareva FJ.PULEWA Pureva Ecume jaune qui traîne sur la mer du 17 au 21 février et qui fait périr le poisson qui la mange; frai, oeufs de poisson; été, la plus chaude des saisons. Roe or eggs of fish; yellow scum floating on the sea from about the 17th to 21st of February, and this yellow substance is eaten by fish; summer (Tgr).
Pukapuka NP.PULU.1B Pulu Menstrual pad
New Zealand Maori CE.PUNA-RUA Punarua Polygyny
Mangareva CE.PUNA-RUA Punarua One who does not like children of first wife. Marâtre; personne qui n'aime pas les enfants du premier mariage.
Rarotongan CE.PUNA-RUA Punarua Having two wives or husbands
Tahitian CE.PUNA-RUA Punarua A man with two wives, or a woman with two husbands
Tuamotu CE.PUNA-RUA Punarua Pair together, bring together
Nukuoro PN.SAFE.4 Sahe Any material used to absorb menstrual flow
Samoan PN.SAFE.4 Safe Pannus menstrualis
Tokelau PN.SAFE.4 Hafe Menstrual pad
Tongan PN.SAFE.4 Hafe Sanitary pad used by women when menstruating
Arosi EO.SAU.6 Aruaru Breeze (Geraghty 1990)
New Zealand Maori CK.TAI-RUA Tairua Valley, depression
Rarotongan CK.TAI-RUA Tairua A drop or depression in the ground; gully, furrow, ravine, ditch
Marquesas NP.TAKA.2A Tekahi, keʔahi. Keʔa/keʔahi (MQN), teka/tekahi (MQS) (Atl). Fouler aux pieds, donner des coups de pieds, frapper du pied, ruer, ruade. Trépigner (Lch). Piétiner; stamp, tread, trample (Atl). Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro PN.TAAKELO Daagelo February
Hawaiian PN.TAKULUA Kaulua Month name, June-July or February-March; a star, Sirius Phonologically Irregular
Mangaia PN.TAKULUA Takurua A feast, picnic
New Zealand Maori PN.TAKULUA Takurua Season (winter); star name (Sirius)
New Zealand Maori PN.TAKULUA Takurua-whare-ana Altair (WD6)
New Zealand Maori PN.TAKULUA Takurua-pare-wai Altair (Best 1910:97-99)
Rarotongan PN.TAKULUA Takurua A feast; a luxury food or delicacy
Rarotongan PN.TAKULUA Takurua-rau An evening star, Jupiter
Tahitian PN.TAKULUA Te fetiʔa taʔurua La planète Vénus
Tahitian PN.TAKULUA Taʔurua Fête profane, réjouissances; Te ta'urua Tiurai, les fêtes "du Juillet"
Tahitian PN.TAKULUA Taʔurua-faupapa Sirius (Henry 1907:101-104)
Tahitian PN.TAKULUA Taʔurua-e-tupu-tainaniu Canopus (Henry 1907:101-104)
Fijian PN.TAU-LUA Tau-rua Two together
New Zealand Maori PN.TAU-LUA Taurua Double, in pairs
Mangareva PN.TAU-LUA Taurua Appareilles, se dit des boeufs
Penrhyn PN.TAU-LUA Tuurua Two (things) Problematic
Rarotongan PN.TAU-LUA Taurua Duplicate, substitute
New Zealand Maori CE.TAU-RUA Taurua Double, in pairs; a canoe used for working a kaharoa (seine net)