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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan PN.MANIA.1 Mania Set on edge (of teeth); feel creeping sensation (of skin)
Rennellese PN.MANIA.1 Mania/nia Be ticklish, tickled; have a prickly sensation
Samoan PN.MANIA.1 Maagia/gia (of teeth) Be on edge Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.MANIA.1 Mania Shudder, set on edge
Tahitian PN.MANIA.1 Mania Avoir les dents agacées. To be set on an edge, as the teeth by eating sour fruit (Dvs).
Tikopia PN.MANIA.1 Faka/maniania To set on edge, as the teeth
Tongan PN.MANIA.1 Maninia Shudder, set on edge (of teeth)
Tuamotu PN.MANIA.1 Mania Set on edge
Hawaiian NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Drowsy, inactive, sleepy Problematic
New Zealand Maori NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Slippery
Moriori NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Slippery
Marquesas NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania, menia Smooth, flat, of a surface. Uni, poli; plat; plaine, terrain uni; lisse, glissant; mer calme
Luangiua NP.MA-NIA.2 Maŋia Shiny, slippery
Penrhyn NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Calm; smooth
Rarotongan NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Smooth, flat, blunt
Sikaiana NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Smooth, glassy feeling
Tahitian NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Calm, no wind stirring; serene, unruffled, applied to the mind
Takuu NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Absolutely smooth...; slippery
Tuamotu NP.MA-NIA.2 Mania Smooth, still, calm
Easter Island TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Hyperactive, nervous; a loud, noisy person. Noise (of people); a loud person (Wbr).
New Zealand Maori TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Noisy
Penrhyn TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Shout to produce quiet; noisy; to chatter
Rarotongan TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Disturbance, noise; used as an exclamation concerning noise
Tahitian TA.MAANIANIA Maaniania Vacarme, agitation bruyante, bruyant; être gené par un bruit; (interj.) quel bruit!
New Zealand Maori AN.MA-NIFI Maa/nihi/-tia Make steep; make narrow, contract; smooth
Tongan PN.MANO Mano Ten thousand; myriad
Samoan FJ.MANOKO Manoʔo Small fishes belonging to genera (Periophthalmodon, Zonogobius, Chonophorus, Salarias, Cirripectes, Alticus) which include the Gobies and Mud Skippers
Hawaiian PN.MANONO Manono All spp. of (Gouldia) genus, small trees or shrubs belonging to the coffee family
New Zealand Maori PN.MANONO Manono, kanono, kaanonono A small tree (Coprosma australis [grandifolia])
Samoan PN.MANONO Maʔanunu A tree (Psychotria sp.) ( (Tarenna sambucina)
Tikopia AN.MANU.1A Manu Creature, ranging from mammal to arthropod; especially including birds
Easter Island PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia To succeed. A recent borrowing Problematic
East Uvea PN.MANUU-QIA Manuʔia Bonheur, bénédiction, prospérité; à votre santé, bonne chance!
East Uvea PN.MANUU-QIA Manuu(ia) Bonheur, prosperite; benediction
Kapingamarangi PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Lucky
Emae PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Lucky
Nukuoro PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Fortunate, lucky, blessed
Penrhyn PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Fortunate, luck
Pukapuka PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Fortunate, lucky
Rarotongan PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Successful, fortunate
Rennellese PN.MANUU-QIA Manuuʔia Be plenty
Samoan PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Successful, fortunate
Tahitian PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Réussir; avoir de la chance; bonne chance!
Tahitian PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia To be prosperous or successful in some project; to obtain what a person sought, or wished for
Tokelau PN.MANUU-QIA Manuia Lucky, successful
Tongan PN.MANUU-QIA Monuuʔia Successful, fortunate
Tuamotu PN.MANUU-QIA Manuuia Successful, successfully concluded
New Zealand Maori CK.MANUKA.2 Kaanuka A tree (Leptospermum spp.) Eastern dialect
Rennellese CK.MANUKA.2 Maguka Tree sp (Alstonia spectabilis) Problematic
Fijian OC.MAQOTA Mavota A tree (Myristica grandifolia)