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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka OC.HULI.1 Uli Large size of Tri-Colored Fusilier (Pterocaesio tile)
Tahitian FJ.KULII Uri Pilot fish (Naucrates ductor)
Tokelau OC.HULI.1 Uli Fish sp., Mackerel scad (Decapterus pinnulatus)
Anuta OC.HURU.A Uu Enter (as a man a house, a fish a hole in rocks); to get into (an item of clothing) Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island OC.HURU.A Uru Enter, entrance
East Futuna OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter
Fijian OC.HURU.A Curu Enter
Kapingamarangi OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter
Emae OC.HURU.A Uru To enter
New Zealand Maori OC.HURU.A Uru Enter
Ifira-Mele OC.HURU.A Uru Enter
Mangareva OC.HURU.A Aka/uru Essayer d'entrer; essayer de faire entrer, d'avancer, de faire parvenir. Attempt to enter or advance (Tgr).
Niue OC.HURU.A Huu To enter
Nukuoro OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter
Luangiua OC.HURU.A Ulu, hulu Enter
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.HURU.A Ulu(h- [before directional particles]) Enter, go through (sg); wear, put on (clothes) (sg)
Pukapuka OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter
Rarotongan OC.HURU.A Uru Enter
Rennellese OC.HURU.A Ugu Enter, exit
Rotuman OC.HURU.A Suru Enter
Samoan OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter
Sikaiana OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter, go into
Tahitian OC.HURU.A Uru To enter, as a ship into harbour
Takuu OC.HURU.A Uru Enter or exit a location
Tikopia OC.HURU.A Uru Pass through a doorway, enter, exit
Tokelau OC.HURU.A Ulu Enter, go through
Tongan OC.HURU.A Huu Enter
Tuamotu OC.HURU.A Uru Enter
West Futuna OC.HURU.A Uru To enter by crawling, as into a native hut
East Uvea PN.HURU.B Ulu sino Entrer dans le corps (en parlant du temonio)
Kapingamarangi PN.HURU.B Ulu/hia Ecstatic, excited
Samoan PN.HURU.B Ulu/itino To enter the body, to possess (as by an aitu) . (Of man with reference to supernatural agent, i.e. spirit, ghost) overpower, possess
Tongan PN.HURU.B Ulu/fia To infect (a wound or a limb etc.) so as to cause blood-poisoning (often impl.) Problematic
East Futuna PN.SALUFE Sulufe Nom d'une toute petite fougère Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana ??.TULUMA Tuluma A hand carved wooden cyclinder used for storing special items, especially the bonito hooks {paa}
Mangareva TA.ARUHE Anuʔe Fougère (Dicranopteris linearis) Borrowed
East Futuna FJ.HURU-MAKI Ulumaki Etre planté dans; planter dans quelquechose
East Uvea FJ.HURU-MAKI Ulumaki Enter into
West Uvea FJ.HURU-MAKI Ulumaki/na Introduire [Muli Dialect]; planter (B 1860); bury (U 1887-88)
East Uvea XW.SUNI.1 Huni Huile cuite avec des pierres rougies au feu
East Futuna PN.KA.1 Ka Particle of inception of new action or state . Etre sur le point (modalité aspectuelle)
East Uvea PN.KA.1 Ka Future (of some verbs in subordinate clauses)
Emae PN.KA.1 Ka Verbal particle, subordinate (usually relative) non-future . Future
Niue PN.KA.1 Ka Particle of immediate future
Luangiua PN.KA.1 ʔA Tense aspect marker: inceptive
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KA.1 Ka Particle signifying immediate and/or certain future
Pukapuka PN.KA.1 Ka Tense marker usually indicating future action or action about to begin . Verbal particle; sign of the future tense or of present action continuing into the future
Sikaiana PN.KA.1 Ka Tense-aspect marker, future inceptive
Tahitian PN.KA.1 ʔA Inceptive tense particle . Imperative
Takuu PN.KA.1 Ka Tense-aspect marker