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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rotuman XW.EFE Efe Refuse of grated coconut or arrowroot after mixing with water and squeezing out Borrowed
Tongan XW.EFE Efe Sediment from coconut oil; refuse of kava after pounding and straining
Anuta AN.EFU.1 Epu/epu Finely scraped baked taro or *puraka*, mixed with coconut cream (a type of pudding used especially for small children) Problematic
Easter Island AN.EFU.1 ʔEhu Blurry, drizzle
Easter Island AN.EFU.1 ʔEhu/ʔehu Cineciento, gris . Brown, brownish
East Futuna AN.EFU.1 Efu Dust. Poussière; peluche blanche de l'écorce du mûrier à papier; être poussiéreux, plein de poussière (Mfr).
East Uvea AN.EFU.1 Efu Poussière, boue sèche
New Zealand Maori AN.EFU.1 Ehu Turbid
Niue OC.FAGU.2 Fa/fagu Breath, breathing; to breathe through or into something or someone
Mangareva AN.EFU.1 Eʔu Cendre, poussière; trouble (eau); troubler, disturber
Luangiua AN.EFU.1 ʔEhu Covered with dust
Sikaiana AN.EFU.1 Ehu Dirty (of water)
Tikopia AN.EFU.1 Efu Be raised as dust; stirred up, hence sometimes murky
Tuamotu AN.EFU.1 Ehu Covered with ripples
East Futuna XW.EFU.2 Efu Espece de nattes fines
Tongan XW.EFU.2 Efu Fine mat used for corpse to rest on
East Futuna NP.EI Ei Eh! (exclamation pour appeler qqn)
New Zealand Maori NP.EI Ei(i) Vocative (usually in poetry)
Penrhyn TA.EE-IA Eeia These
Rarotongan TA.EE-IA Eeia These
Tahitian TA.EE-IA Eie Old plural form qui, pour beaucoup de locuteurs modernes, ont perdu tout rapport avec le nombre
Tuamotu TA.EE-IA E(e)ie These, these ones
Marquesas CE.EREHI.* ʔEhi (MQN), ʔeʔehi (MQS) (Atl) Palmier (Cocos nucifera); coco, fruit du cocotier
Mangareva CE.EREHI.* Ereʔi Coco, cocotier
Tuamotu CE.EREHI.* Rehi Coconut in its fifth growth stage
Easter Island PN.QELO Neʔo-neʔo Very bad smelling (worse than piro) Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.QELO ʔElo Stink
East Uvea PN.QELO ʔElo Sentir mauvais, puant
Emae PN.QELO Elo Stink Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.QELO Ero Putrid
Niue PN.QELO Elo Stink, evil smell
Pukapuka PN.QELO Elo(elo) Putrid, stinking
Rennellese PN.QELO ʔEgo Stink, smell bad
Samoan PN.QELO Elo Stink
Tahitian PN.QELO Ero A kind of sauce. Se dit du mitihue quand les morceaux de coco ont suffisament trempé dans l’eau fermentée et se désagrègent (Lmt).
Tahitian PN.QELO Faʔa/ero Pourri (oeuf)
Tikopia PN.QELO Elo Bad-smelling, stinking Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.QELO ʔElo, ʔeho Stinking, putrid, to be
West Uvea PN.QELO Elo (Tubercule) pourri en terre [Heo Dialect]; (poisson) pourri [Muli Dialect]
East Futuna PN.QEMI ʔEmi Start, flinch
East Uvea PN.QEMI ʔEmi Contraction, contorsion
New Zealand Maori PN.QEMI Emi Ashamed, to be
Marquesas PN.QEMI Emi. ʔEemi (Mtu). Retraction, retrait, se retirer. Se retrécir, se retirer, se racornir, décroître (Lch). Draw up (Mtu).
Mangareva PN.QEMI Emi. Emi/emi (Rch). Trembler de crainte ou de colère. Frémir; trembler de passion (Rch).
Rarotongan PN.QEMI Emi Shrink, crouch down, afraid of, in awe of. Contract, shrivel
Tongan PN.QEMI ʔEmi Wriggle, move, jerk, fidget
Tuamotu PN.QEMI Emi Show fear, quail, shrink from danger
East Futuna PN.QEMO Emo Lecher (de wallis) Borrowed
Marquesas PN.QEMO Amo Bruit de la bouche en mangeant la popoi Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.QEMO ʔEmo Lick