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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu SO.KAVEI Kaavei Tentacle of an octopus or cuttlefish; tendrils of some types of stinging jellyfish.
Tikopia SO.KAVEI Kavei Tentacle of octopus
Tokelau SO.KAVEI Kavei Tentacle of octopus, squid
East Futuna SO.KAAVEI Kaavei Constellation located near Scorpio
Rennellese SO.KAAVEI Kaabei Constellation, probably Aries
Takuu SO.KAAVEI Kaavei A constellation said to resemble a rope
Pukapuka PN.KAWEIGA Kaveinga Compass ; a group of stars on the same declination, thought of as a constellation ; bearing
Rotuman PN.KAWEIGA Kavei Take as a mark to steer by Borrowed
Tahitian PN.KAWEIGA Aveia A mark to steer by when at sea, the sun by day, and moon and stars by night; a mariner's compass
Tongan PN.KAWEIGA Kaveinga That which is steered for
Tuamotu PN.KAWEIGA Kave(e)iŋa Guiding star (used to steer by)
Mangareva CE.KAWEKA Kaueka Bird named in a text
Tuamotu CE.KAWEKA Kaveka Sooty tern (Sterna fuliginosa)
Penrhyn TA.KAWEU. Cavio Land-lobster
Anuta OC.KAWIKI Kaviki Small, white sand-crab
Rennellese OC.KAWIKI Kabiki Kind of white sand crab
Aitutaki EP.KAA-WIRI Kaaviri Make into a bunch, cluster
Hawaiian EP.KAA-WIRI ʔAawili Mix, interweave, entwine, mixed, agitated
Marquesas EP.KAA-WIRI Kaviʔi Tourner, pelotonner, enlacer, envelopper. Entortiller, pirouetter, tordre, visser; vrille, rouleau; (botanique) vrille de plante grimpante (Lch). Broyer, grind (coffee) (Atl).
Mangareva EC.KAVITI.1 Kaviti/viti Small crab sp Nom d'une petite crabe.
Niue TA.KAVITI.2 Kaviti A loop; anything which fastens one thing to another Problematic
Tahitian TA.KAVITI.2 Aviti A fish-hook made of the pearl oyster shell
Tuamotu TA.KAVITI.2 Kaviti Complete pearl-shell bonito lure
East Futuna EO.KE Ke Verbal particle in subordinate clause, in order to, so that
Pukapuka EO.KE Ke(e) Verbal particle introducing subordinate clauses, indicating a wish, purpose or command
Rennellese EO.KE Ke(e) Mark of imperative/intentive mood
Tikopia EO.KE Ke Particle preceding verb or qualifier as infinitive sign or to indicate purpose; to, to be, in order to, may
Tokelau EO.KE Ke Introduces subordinate clauses, frequently indicating a wish, purpose or command
Tikopia PN.KEE.1 Kee Second person singular preposed pronoun used both preposed to verb and absolutely 2nd person singular pronoun, short form
Tokelau PN.KEE.1 Kee 2nd person singular pronoun (agent immediately preceding the verb)...
West Uvea PN.KEE.1 Ge, gi Tu; forme de goe utilisée (a) après les morphèmes préverbaux qui acceptent les pronoms sujects en suffixe; (b) après ge marquant le but; (c) facultativement après ge marquant l'imperatif
East Futuna PN.KEE.2 Fe/ke/i Se quereller, se disputer
Ifira-Mele PN.KEA.1 Kea Illness characterised by white spots on tongue or lips
Tahitian PN.KEA.1 ʔEa Aphte, muguet [mouth-ulcer, thrush]
Hawaiian EP.KEHO.2 ʔEho Stone pile, stone image, heap of stones under water, pillar, red-hot stones put inside animals when cooking
New Zealand Maori EP.KEHO.2 Paa/keho/ Limestone, white clay
Marquesas EP.KEHO.2 Keho Basalte, pierre basaltique. Longue pierre carrée (Lch).
Mangareva EP.KEHO.2 Keʔo Basalte, pierre tranchante et dure qui servait à faire des couteaux, des haches du pays
Rarotongan EP.KEHO.2 Keʔo Stalactite, stalagmite
Tuamotu EP.KEHO.2 Kehoo A stone upright connected with an offering to the gods
Sikaiana PN.KEFU Kehu Very white
Tikopia PN.KEFU Kefu A basic colour term in the blue-green range
Sikaiana AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi The evening time, starting from just before sunset until after it is dark and the sun’s reflection can no longer be seen on the horizon; from about 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Pukapuka OC.KEHE Kee Unrelated ; strange, foreign
New Zealand Maori PN.KEHO.1 Keo Peak or pointed summit
Mangaia PN.KEHO.1 Keo Stalactite
Marquesas PN.KEHO.1 Keo Corne, pointe
Pukapuka PN.KEHO.1 Ke/keo Sharp-pointed, needle-like
Rarotongan PN.KEHO.1 Keʔo Stalactite, stalagmite
Tuamotu PN.KEHO.1 Taa/keo Project, stick out, pointed, projecting