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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau FJ.KI.1 Ki Direction towards a goal including physical movement but extending to the arguments of perception, communication and cognition, to
New Zealand Maori EP.KII.1 Kii Say, tell, mention, call, think, speak
Rarotongan TA.KII.2 Kii Be full, fill (intr.), teem; fullness, bounty, wealth
New Zealand Maori PN.KIA.1A Kia To denote wish, purpose, or effect
Mangaia CE.KIA.1B ʔIa When (introducing a subordinate temporal clause) Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Pre-basic particle with optative function (i.e. serving to indicate a command, wish, purpose, etc. . Sign of the subjunctive
Anuta PN.MAA.2 Maa mei Fermented breadfruit
Tikopia MP.KIE.A Kie Pandanus sp. with relatively soft leaves, from which mats are plaited
Tikopia PN.KIE.B Kie Small decorated mat used as loin garment indances
Tikopia PN.KIE.B Kie Waist mat of kilt type, finely plaited from pandanus leaf...
Tahitian TA.KIE.C ʔIe Voile de bateau; toile; partir: "mettre les voiles"
Marquesas NP.KIE-KIE.B Kiekie. Kiʔekiʔe (Lch). Plant species (Pandanus). Arbuste assez proche du pandanus, dont les racines servent de liens; variété de l'arbre à pain (Lch).
Tahitian NP.KIE-KIE.B ʔIeʔie Racines adventices utilisées en vannerie, ou la plante elle-même (Freycinetia demissa)
East Futuna PN.KIFU Kifu Aller le plus vite possible
East Uvea PN.KIFU Kifu/kifu Courir vite
Rennellese PN.KIKI.1 Kiki To eat with or immediately after; to accompany, as taro to fish; food so eaten
Samoan PN.KIKI.1 ʔIʔi Sauce, or more nearly equivalent to the Scotch "kitchen"; anything used as a relish, or to qualify other food, as vegetables to eat with meat. Meat or fish necessary to make up a complete meal or feast or present of food (Mnr).
Tokelau PN.KIKI.1 Kiki Starchy foods which are eaten to accompany the protein food, or vice versa
Tongan PN.KIKI.1 Kiki Animal food (meat, eggs, fish, shell-fish, etc.) eaten with vegetables; s.s. vegetables eaten with animal food
Tuamotu EP.KIKI.2 Kiki Stiff, tense, erect (penis)
Tuamotu EP.KIKI.2 Ma/kiki Stretch, extend, stiffen (members of body)
East Uvea PN.KIKII Kikii Haute voix, soprano, ténor; cri aigu
West Uvea PN.KIKII Kii (Oiseaux) gazouiller; (personnes) jacasser d'une voix perçante
Pukapuka AN.KIKILA Kikila Show teeth conspicuously; nearly ripe of Pandanus fruit (Mta)
Samoan AN.KIKILA ʔIʔila Shine, glisten (of reflected light on water, glass, or polished surface), sparkle, twinkle (Mnr)
Tikopia AN.KIKILA Kikira Shine, glisten
East Futuna EO.KI-KITE Kikite Parier, prédire, prévoir, interpréter un rêve
East Uvea EO.KI-KITE Kikite Prévoir, prophétiser; clairvoyant
New Zealand Maori EO.KI-KITE Kite Divination, prophecy, prophetic utterance
Nguna EO.KI-KITE Tea kikita Diviner, curer
Penrhyn EO.KI-KITE Kikite Clever, cunning, smart, crafty
Rarotongan EO.KI-KITE Kikite Knowing, cunning, intelligent, skilful
Samoan EO.KI-KITE ʔIʔite Predict, foretell . Foretell, tell beforehand, have a hunch, have a premonition
Tongan EO.KI-KITE Kikite Have the power of seeing into the future; make predictions, prophesy
West Uvea EO.KI-KITE Kikite Sorcier, devin
Marquesas PN.KIKO.A Kiko Flesh. Chair, viande, muscle; contenu (Lch).
Pukapuka PN.KILA.1 Ki/kila/ Exposed, showing (as of teeth) (Mta)
Rarotongan PN.KILA.1 Kira Barrenness, bareness, waste (referring to land)
West Futuna PN.KILA.1 Kira Pure, chaste Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna MP.KILA.2 Kila Regarder en cachette; fait de regarder en cachette
East Uvea MP.KILA.2 Ki(ki)la Regarder rapidement, jeter un coup d'oeil sur
Kapingamarangi AN.KILI.1 Gili Skin outer layer, surface
Marquesas AN.KILI.1 Kiʔi Skin. Peau, écorce, extérieur; couleur, teint; cuir (Lch).
Rapa AN.KILI.1 Kiri Skin, shell, outer casing
Rapa AN.KILI.1 Kiri/nutu (-ngutu?) Palate
Tahitian PN.KILIA Iria Morose, sour, passionate, ill-natured
Tongan PN.KILIA Kilia Fester/burn with anger
Marquesas OC.KILI-KILI Kiʔikiʔi Gravel. Petites pierres, cailloutage, gravier; peaux, morceaux de peau
East Uvea MP.KILO Kilo/kilo Inspecter, regarder se coté
Marquesas CE.KIMO.* Kimo En colère, en courroux (kimo te mata) Borrowed Uncertain Semantic Connection