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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan OC.POO.2 Po/poo Pounce on
Tikopia OC.POO.2 Poo Touch, grasp, lay hands on, get hold of; clap cupped hands, slowly
Tokelau OC.POO.2 Poo Slap, smack
Tongan OC.POO.2 Poo Catch
Tongan OC.POO.2 Poo/ki Close eyes of a dead person; pat, dab
West Uvea OC.POO.2 Popoo, pookia Battre/frapper des mains, (danses) taper dans les mains; laisser une trace/empreinte; imprimer; (insectes) claquer; (eau) clapoter
West Uvea OC.POO.2 Po/poo/kia Tapoter le dos d'un enfant pour l'endormir
Anuta CE.POO-FATU.1* Poopatu Stone with hole in it Problematic
Hawaiian CE.POO-FATU.1* Poohaku Stone
New Zealand Maori CE.POO-FATU.1* Poo(w)hatu Stone [Eastern Maori Dialect]
Penrhyn CE.POO-FATU.1* Poohatu Stone, rock
Rarotongan CE.POO-FATU.1* Pooʔatu Stone
Tokelau CE.POO-FATU.1* Poo fatu Hit two stones together Problematic
Tuamotu CE.POO-FATU.1* Poofatu Stone
Hawaiian CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue(hue) Beach morning-glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae)...
New Zealand Maori CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue (Clematis spp.), (Muhlenbeckia sp.), (Passiflora tetrandra), (Calystegia sp.)
Penrhyn CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue Morning glory sp.
Pukapuka CE.POO-FUE.* Poouwe Creeping legume plant (Ipomoea grandiflora)
Pukapuka CE.POO-FUE.* Lau/pooue/ (Ipomoea micrantha)
Rarotongan CE.POO-FUE.* Pooʔue Indigenous beach pea (Vigna marina), also indigenous beach morning-glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae) and, on Mangaia, Ma`uke, Miti`aro, an aboriginally introduced vine (Luffa cylindrica)
Tahitian CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue Nom générique des convolvulacées (lianes) (Ipomoea peltata, Calonyction speciosum)
Tuamotu CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue Convolvulus, also a gourd bearing creeper
Hawaiian CE.POHUTU.1 Poohuku Swollen; protruding, especially of a round object; piled up, as a coil of hair on the head
Tuamotu CE.POHUTU.1 Poohutu/hutu White, round organ resembling a stomach sac in some fish
Tuamotu TA.POHUTU.2 Poohutu To splash, make a splashing
New Zealand Maori TA.POO-FATU.2 Poohutu/kawa A tree (Metrosideros excelsa) Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan PN.POGA.1 Ponga A tree fern (Cyathea dealbata) ; knot (in wood), notch, nick, dent
Kapingamarangi NP.POGA.2 Bongoo Hole; door, house (polite)
Rarotongan NP.POGA.2 Ponga Dent; knot (wood); nick, notch Problematic
West Futuna NP.POGA.2 Ponga/vai Pool of water
Rarotongan NP.POGA.3 Ponga Knot (in wood), notch, nick, dent; molar tooth
Kapingamarangi PN.POGA-POGA Bongo Poor quality fruit
Tongan PN.POGI-A Pongia Faint, collapse, swoon, lose consciousness, have a 'blackout'
Nukumanu PN.KAPA-KAU Te Kapakau Looloa Constellation: Canopus
Penrhyn MP.POGI-POGI Poo/pongi Morning
Rarotongan MP.POGI-POGI Poo/pongi/ Twilight, especially morning; tomorrow
Hawaiian CP.POQOI Poi Cooked taro corms or breadfruit, pounded and thinned with water
Mangareva CP.POQOI Popoi Bouillie épaisse de la pâte des fruits à pain (nourriture fondamentale du pays). The food of the natives; a paste made of maa, kneaded and cooked (Tgr).
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.POQOI Tu/poe Dried breadfruit, cut in small pieces, may be stored for a long time and is considered both a delicious food and an important food supply when there is little to eat
Tahitian CP.POQOI Poo/poi/ Pâte à base de bananes, fruit à pain ou taro
Tongan CP.POQOI Poʔoi Fermented taro and Cordyline root juice
New Zealand Maori EP.POIKE Pooike Head, top (of a tree)...; place aloft
Tuamotu EP.POIKE Pooike Commence to curl over, come to a head, as the crest of a wave
Tongan PN.POKA.2 Poka Full of and swollen with blood, of mosquitoes
Hawaiian PN.POOKAI Pooʔai Coil
New Zealand Maori PN.POOKAI Pookai Coil, wrap up (I)
Penrhyn PN.POOKAI Pookai Wind, bind, coil, spin
Pukapuka PN.POOKAI Pookai A roll (of wire etc.) (of prepared pandanus leaves
Rarotongan PN.POOKAI Pookai Coil, wrap up
Sikaiana PN.POOKAI Pookai To coil, wrap up