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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaha Frigate bird
Marquesas MQ.KO-TAKE Kotake, pitake (MQN), kotaʔe, pitaʔe (MQS); pinake (Ua Pou) Sterne blanche des Marquises, oiseau de la famille des laridés
Mangareva MQ.KO-TAKE Kotake Un oiseau de mer. Sterne blanche, Gygis alba (Rch).
Rarotongan TA.KOO-TARE.1 Ngootare Chattering Kingfisher (Todiramphus tuta) (Atiu, Ma'uke) Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan TA.KOO-TARE.1 Kootare Chattering Kingfisher (Todiramphus tuta)
Tahitian TA.KOO-TARE.1 ʔOotaatare Fauvette à long bec (Conopoderas caffra)
Tahitian TA.KOO-TAWA.1 ʔOotava Bonite (Euthynnis affinis)
East Futuna PN.KOTE Kote(kote) égayer, balbutier, parler une langue inconnue Borrowed
East Uvea PN.KOTE Kote(kote) Balbutier, ne parler que quelques mot d'une langue
New Zealand Maori PN.KOTE Kote/kote Make a smacking noise with the lips
Samoan PN.KOTE ʔOte Scold, tell someone off
Tikopia PN.KOTE Kotee Babble, chatter
Tongan PN.KOTE Kote Talk in a foreign language, talk jargon
New Zealand Maori TA.KOO-TEO Koteo Post, pole Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian TA.KOO-TEO ʔOoteo Bourgeon, germe; bourgeonner, germer
Tuamotu TA.KOO-TEO Kooteo Shoot, sucker
Moriori AN.KOTI.1 Koti Chop, amputate, cut
Marquesas CE.KOTI-GA Kotina (MQN), kotiʔana (MQS) Borne, limite
Mangareva CE.KOTI-GA Kotiaga Bornes d'une terre séparant les tribus Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian CE.KOTI-GA ʔOotiʔa Limite, borne
Tahitian PN.KOTO.1 ʔOto Chant, chanter (oiseaux)
West Futuna PN.KOTO.1 Kot/kote Cackle
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-TORE.B Kootore(tore) A sea-anemone (Actinia tenebrosa)
Emae NP.KO-TOU Kote, koto Second person plural pronoun
Ifira-Mele NP.KOO-TOU.* Kooteu Second person plural cardinal pronoun
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-TUKU.A Kootuku White heron, (Egretta alba)
Sikaiana NO.UNU.4 Unu Name of a star constellation
Mangareva CE.KOO-TUKU.A Kotuku Oiseau de terre: Aigrette des récifs (Demiegretta sacra) .
Tahitian CE.KOO-TUKU.A ʔOotuʔu Oiseau, aigrette des récifs (Demiegretta sacra)
Rarotongan CK.KOO-TUKU.B Kotuku A shrub (Mussaenda Raiateensis)
Nukumanu PN.PUI.B Pui Removable bow and stern covers for canoe
East Futuna XW.KOU.2 Kou Boar, a male pig that has not been castrated
Tuamotu CE.KOUKOU Koukou (Pterodroma parvirostris) the shearwater, mutton-bird
Marquesas EP.KOO-QURA.* Kouʔa. Koʔuʔa (Lch). Homard; écrevisse, crevette
Tahitian EP.KOO-QURA.* ʔOoura pape Crevette d'eau douce appelé chevrette à Tahiti (Palaemon eupalaemon)
Tahitian EP.KOO-QURA.* ʔOoura miti Langouste de récif (Palinurus penicillatus)
Tuamotu EP.KOO-QURA.* Kooura Crayfish, rock lobster
Mangareva CE.KOO-UTU Koutu Avancement de la terre en mer, cap; bout; petit morceau d'étoffe plié en deux
Rarotongan CE.KOO-UTU Kooutu Ceremonial ground where an ariki was invested and held court and where meetings and ceremonies were held
Tahitian CE.KOO-UTU ʔOoutu Pointe de terre [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect]
Penrhyn CE.KOO-WARI Koovari Soft coconut flesh, watery fruit
Tahitian CE.KOO-WARI Ovari/vari To be slack, as a rope that had been tight, or the belly after abstinence
New Zealand Maori PN.KOWI.A Kohi Wasting sickness, consumption; emaciated Problematic
Rarotongan PN.KOWI.A Kovi Twisted, wrinkled, puckered
Pukapuka PN.KOWI.B Kovi Derogatory term for a person
Tikopia PN.KOWI.B Kovii Wretched object, esp. as jesting term
East Futuna AN.-KU.1 ʔA/ku, ʔo/ku First person singular possessive form after /ma/ /mo/ and /io/ 'for (A and O forms)' 'at'
Hawaiian AN.-KU.1 A/ʔu, o/ʔu First person singular ∅-possessive (≠ definite singular possessed item) Problematic
New Zealand Maori AN.-KU.1 Aa/ku, oo/ku First person singular possessive postposed comment used when the determiner of the phrase is not te or ngā Problematic
Niuafo'ou AN.-KU.1 ʔA/ku, ʔo/ku First person singular type II pronoun, occurring after the prepositions 'o, 'a, mo'o and ma'a