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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tahitian PN.LAU.2B Rau Etre varié, être de toutes sortes. Many, indefinitely (Dvs).
Tongan PN.LAU.2B Lau An indefinite number of
Tuamotu PN.LAU.2B Rau Countless, indefinite number, innumerable
New Zealand Maori EO.LAU.3 Rau/roha Spread about, scattered, extended (of the arms)
Niue EO.LAU.3 Lau/tote Narrow
Samoan EO.LAU.3 Lau/tele Broad, wide (of surfaces such as mats, leaves etc.)
Tikopia EO.LAU.3 Rau Breadth, extent, expanse
Nukuoro PN.RAU.1 Ga/lau/na A big net for fishing, requiring several persons to manipulate
Rapa PN.RAU.1 Rau Leaf rope (old term) Problematic
Samoan PN.RAU.1 Lau One unit (or several units) of a communald fishing device (lauloa) consisting of 18 to 24 ft. lengths of fau bast to which coconut-palm leaves are attached at intervals
Tokelau PN.RAU.1 Lau Line of beaters in a fish drive
East Uvea PN.RAU.2 Te/au/ Hundred Problematic
Niue PN.RAU.2 Te/au Hundred
Tongan PN.TAU-MUQA Tow-mooa The stem of a vessel
Tikopia PN.RAU.2 Rau Ten or hundred according to items counted
Tongan PN.RAU.2 Te/au/ Hundred
East Uvea FJ.RAU.3 Lau/afe Dernier rang de feuilles pliées les unes sur les autres sur le faîtes d'une maison
East Uvea EO.LAQU.1 Laʔu(si) Pince, pincette
East Uvea NP.LAU-FALA Lau-fa Feuille de pandanus (Pandanus tectorius)
Rarotongan NP.LAU-FALA Rauʔara A plant, a variety of pandanus, but with thinner and softer leaves than 'ara, used for floormats and baskets
Niue CE.RAUKA Lauka A comparative, better etc. Problematic
East Uvea XW.LAUKAU Laukau Amoureux, galant, vaniteux, qui cherche à plaisir
Hawaiian PN.LAULAU Laulau Wrapping, wrapped package; packages of ti leaves or banana leaves containing pork, beef, salted fish etc.; to wrap or carry in such bundles
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LAULAU Laulau Nicely plaited basket with plaited patterns used for carrying food at weddings, when paying bride price etc.; plaited tray for serving food to a person at a party
Rarotongan PN.LAULAU Raurau Small basket or platter plaited from coconut leaves used mostly to hold food, or as food trays
Rennellese PN.LAULAU Gaugau Basket of cooked food, plate, dish; to place food in baskets for offerings
Samoan PN.LAULAU Laulau Coconut leaf platter (used for serving food); table; kava bowl; to serve (food) out
Rennellese SO.LAULAUFAU Gaugauhau Butterfly fish, when dominantly striped
East Futuna PN.LAU-QULU Lau ulu Cheveux de la tete
Moriori PN.LAU-QULU Rauru Placenta, afterbirth Problematic
Hawaiian CE.RAU-MATI Laumaki Recede, wilt, ebb (as the tide or floodwaters); wilt (as plants without water)
West Uvea CE.RAU-MATI Laumati Lantern fish (Priacanthus hamrur) Problematic
Rarotongan TA.RAUPO Raupoo A large indigenous or introduced bulrush found on some of the outer islands (Scirpus subulatus)
Ifira-Mele PN.LAA-TOU Raateu Third person plural independent pronoun
Fijian PN.KI-LAA-UTOLU Iratou Cardinal pronoun, third person trial and limited plural
Easter Island EO.LAWA.1A Raba, bara Mucho, muy. Prefix used adverbally or adjectively to indicate intensity (very, much) or frequency (raba-ta9i "weepy")
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.LAWA.1A Th(a)e/lava(a) Tired, exhausted
New Zealand Maori NP.TELE.3B Tere Flow, as water
Nuguria NP.TELE.3B Tere Flow, run (of water)
West Futuna EO.LAWA.1A Rava To finish, complete, be done
New Zealand Maori NP.LAWA.1B Rawa A postposed verbal particle indicating intensity or immediacy
Moriori NP.LAWA.1B Rawa, rao (etu) Exactly, completely
Rarotongan NP.LAWA.1B Rawa Post-verbal particle. Certainly, definitely, wholly, quite, perfectly, completely
Samoan NP.LAWA.1B Lava Particle; very, actually, really, quite, thoroughly, extremely
Tokelau NP.LAWA.1B Lava Intensifying particle which follows the word
West Uvea NP.LAWA.1B Lava Déterminatif verbal postposé, marquant l'affirmation, l'insistence; déterminatif nominal postposé, marquant l'identité
Niue AN.LAWA.2 Lava/hi To tie, wrap around (of loose clothes that need fastening)
East Futuna PN.LAWA.3 Lava Vetement, tout ce que sert a envelopper le corps
East Uvea NP.LAAWAKI Laavaki Etre deserte, vide, abandonne
Rennellese NP.LAAWAKI Gaabaki Uninhabited, empty, to desert