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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Pukapuka EP.REPE Lepe Testicles, also female genitals (prob. labia)
Ra'ivavae AN.WAQE ʔAe/ʔae Legs of lobster or crab Problematic
Tahitian EP.REPE Repe Crête de coq; palmes de natation
Tahitian EP.REPE Repe/rehe The division of the posteriors
East Futuna CP.LEPO Lepo Enterrer des bananes pour les faire m-rir
East Uvea CP.LEPO Lepo(lepo) Envelopper les vivres devant de les enterrer dans l'umu
Rennellese CP.LEPO Gepo Hasten ripening by burying or tying in a basket, as bananas
Marquesas EP.REPO ʔEpo Sale. Boue, fange, terre, poussière. Crasse, ordure, saleté, malpropreté (Lch). Sol, ground (Atl).
Mangareva EP.REPO Repo Soil, earth, dirt. Terre, sol; endroit marécageux où l'on plante le taro; être sale en général (excepté la saleté provenant de la sueur); saleté, saloperie, souillure; avoir de mauvaises moeurs
Penrhyn EP.REPO Repo Dirt, filth; soil; excrement, feces; to be dirty; to evacuate
Tahitian EP.REPO Repo Terre (matière), saleté, sale, être sale
Marquesas NP.LEPU ʔEpu Rough (of water)
Pukapuka NP.LEPU Lepu Stirred up, dirty (of water)
Samoan NP.LEPU Lepu-a Stirred up, as water
Tuamotu NP.LEPU Repu Agitated (of water)
Nuguria EC.LESI Kai/lesi To tell lies
Hawaiian CE.RETO Leekoo Water cress, (Nasturtium officinale)
Tahitian TA.PAA-REU Paareu Paréo (vêtement traditionnel); mettre un paréo
Rarotongan TA.PAA-REU Paareu Waist-wrap, kilt, dancing skirt; wrap around the waist; light floral cotton material from which pareu and dresses are made
New Zealand Maori NP.LEWA.1 Rewa Float, elevated
Tahitian NP.LEWA.1 Reva Espace céleste (au-dessous de la voute céleste ra'i)
Tikopia NP.LEWA.1 Leeva Not firmly fixed, dissociated, light-headed, free-floating Problematic
Moriori EP.REWA.1A Rewa Migrate, leave
Marquesas CP.LEWA.2 ʔEva Plante, arbrisseau: esp. de tanghin dont le fruit est un poison violent. Arbre vénéneux de la famille des apocynadés; lefruit est un poison aussi violent que la strychnine (Lch).
Tahitian CP.LEWA.2 Reva A tree (Barringtonia sp.) ; (Cerbera forsteri)
Nuguria OC.LOKI Roki Shelter under the roof, where people put coconut husk, coconut shells, etc. to store
Nuguria AN.ROFA Roha Measure of distance: handspan; ell (roha te kapakau); cubit (roha te pukurima); to measure (length or height)
Nuguria PN.LOO-QATA Roata Large black ant sp. (bites)
East Uvea FJ.LII.1 Lii Jeter, lancer
Samoan FJ.LII.2 Liilii Firmly fastened
Niue PN.LI-AKI Liaki To swing so as to throw something. To pretend to throw something while retaining it in the hand (McE).
Sikaiana PN.LI-AKI Liaki Scatter about, shake out; (of fish) lay eggs; (of wind) change direction
Takuu PN.LI-AKI Riaki Perform throwing motion without releasing an object from the hand; scatter about, sprinkle; flick (s.o. from s.t. else); throw s.o. to the ground; throw s.t. over s.t. else without releasing it from one’s hand; shake out (with vigorous hand movement); throw with a sling; shed (hair, leaves, skin, etc.); cast off, lose (a tooth); lay (an egg) outside the nest; (of a baby) born prematurely
Tikopia PN.LI-AKI Riaki Throw, fling, cast line in fishing; spread, scatter
West Uvea PN.LI-AKI Liaki-na, leaki-na Jeter, lancer (épervier); éparpiller avec la main; se secouer
New Zealand Maori TA.RIAKI Riakina Be elevated, appear (as the dawn on the horizon)
Sikaiana CP.LIALIA Haka/lialia To be revolted by something, to be disgusted by something, especially certain foods or filth.
Tokelau CP.LIALIA Faka/lialia Feel disgust at, have revulsion for; hate
Tuamotu TA.RIE Rie/rie Testicles
Marquesas MP.LIFA.1 Iha Interjection exprimant sensation de froid; interjection pour marquer le refus, l'aversion Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.LIFU Lifu/lifu Frisson, grelottement, tremblement, fièvre
Tikopia PN.LIFU Rifu Fearsome, terrifying
East Futuna OC.LIGI Liligi Menstruate; liligi manava, have diarrhoea
Marquesas OC.LIGI ʔI/ʔiki, ti/ʔiki (MQN), ʔi/ʔini, ki/ʔini (MQS) Verser, répandre un liquide, décanter
Nuguria OC.LIGI Liligi te vai Giessen
Rapa OC.LIGI Ko/ringi/ringi Running water
West Uvea OC.LIGI Li/lingi, lingi/a (WUH), liingi/a (WUM) Verser, vider; chavirer (un contenant)
New Zealand Maori PN.LIGO-LIGO Riko/riko Man-eating spirits which haunted deserted houses [South Island Dialect] Problematic
Pukapuka PN.LIGO-LIGO Tangi te lingolingo Idiom for deserted place; also for ringing in ears
Tahitian PN.LIGO-LIGO Riʔoriʔo Night-singing insect (not cricket) (I). Petit insecte qui emet un bruit aigu