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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori EP.TOPA Topa To swoop, as a bird
New Zealand Maori CE.TOO-PATA Toopata(pata) In small particles (applied to small kuumara etc.)
Penrhyn CE.TOO-PATA Toopata Spotted, dotted; to drop (water)
Pukapuka CE.TOO-PATA Toopata/pata (1) Rain in small drops; (2) archaic word poss. meaning spotted
Rarotongan CE.TOO-PATA Toopata(pata) (Let) fall in drops, sprinkle down; drop, spot, dot
Pukapuka CE.TOPE.B Tope(tope) To cut off, pull out, pluck. To cut away the taro corm from its shoot (Mta). Problematic
Rennellese CE.TOPE.B Lolobe Break off, as a shoot; be stunted, as a plant Problematic
Niue OC.TOSI.2 Tohi To mark (as with stripes or dots), to write; letter, book
Samoan FJ.TOHO.B Toso (pass. toosina) To carry off by force, as a woman; to commit a rape
Hawaiian CE.TOO-TARA Kookala Thorns, spines; Porcupine Fish (Diodon hystrix)
New Zealand Maori CE.TOO-TARA Tootara A tree with sharp-pointed leaves (Podocarpus totara)
Penrhyn CE.TOO-TARA Tootara Porcupine fish
Pukapuka CE.TOO-TARA Tootala A fish (Tetrodon stellatus) ;(Diodon hystrix). Problematic
Rarotongan CE.TOO-TARA Tootara Ruffled out, standing on end (as hair, feathers); porcupine fish
Tahitian CE.TOO-TARA Tootara Poisson porc-épic, famille des Diodontidae (Diodon holacanthus or hystrix)
Tuamotu CE.TOO-TARA Tootara Spiny
Anuta PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Easter Island PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
East Futuna PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
East Uvea PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Hawaiian PN.TOTO.1 Koko Blood
Kapingamarangi PN.TOTO.1 Dodo Blood; to bleed
Emae PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Ifira-Mele PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
New Zealand Maori PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Moriori PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood . Bleed
Mangareva PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood. Sang.
Nuguria PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood; gum, sap
Niue PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood, sap, juice. To bleed (Sph).
Nukuoro PN.TOTO.1 Dodo Blood
Luangiua PN.TOTO.1 Koko Blood
Penrhyn PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood, liquid (of tree), sap ; sap, juice
Pukapuka PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Rapa PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Rarotongan PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Rennellese PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood, sap
Samoan PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Takuu PN.TOTO.1 Ttoo Blood; thick, viscous sap of certain trees and plants; general term for discharge of blood through bodily orifices (including by menstruation)
Tikopia PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood, blood-red; sap of plants and trees
Tongan PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Tuamotu PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
West Futuna PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood; to bleed; sap of a tree or plant
Emae PN.TOTO.2 Too/toto/ Tree sp.
Nuguria PN.TOTO.2 Totoo Vegetation Problematic
Hawaiian CE.TOO-TOO Kookoo A carrying net etc
New Zealand Maori CE.TOO-TOO Tootoo Sacred kit
Penrhyn CE.TOO-TOO Tootoo A hand net sometimes tied onto a long pole to scoop fish
Tahitian CE.TOO-TOO Tootoo Filet de portage
Samoan XW.TOQO-TOQOGA Tootooga Internal organs, accessories, constituent parts, gear or tackle