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2396 Results matching "ake" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan OC.A I/aa/ Particle which takes the place of /i/ before proper bases and pronouns
Hawaiian NP.QAFA-TEA ʔAhakea Trees (Bobea spp.); wood used for canoe rims
Luangiua NP.QAFA-TEA Ahakeea Big tree, hard wood, used for canoes
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QAFII Hi/na Pack in parcels (used about food wrapped in leaves to be baked in the oven)
Rennellese PN.QAFII ʔAhii Package of baked or boiled greens or fish
Rennellese PN.QAFU.1 ʔAʔahu Burn, smart, hurt (as new tattooing); shake, as with fever
Tahitian EO.QAFU.2 Ahu To throw up or huddle toegher a heap of things; to pile up stones or throw up earth, as for a fortification; to put up the wall of a marae; to make an inclosure to catch fish in shallow places (Dvs). Plate-forme supérieure des marae (Lmt)
Kapingamarangi PN.AGE Ange Towards the addressee ; away from speaker and listener
Niue PN.AGE Age Post-verbal directive indicating orientation away from both speaker and hearer toward a third person (almost exclusively used with verbs of speaking, hitting or giving)
Nukuoro PN.AGE Ange Away from speaker and hearer; more, farther; again
Penrhyn PN.AGE Ange Direction away from speaker and hearer
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.AGE Ange Away, more (postnuclear, mostly clitic, directional particle indicating motion or action away from both speaker and hearer, towards a third person or in general away from something. It is also used to express comparison or a greater amount of something)
Rotuman PN.AGE -age Neither towards the speaker nor the one spoken to, along
Samoan PN.AGE Ane Away from speaker and hearer
Rarotongan CK.AGI.3 ʔAnge (Geniostoma sykesii) ("Apparently Cheeseman (1903) and Campbell (1932) mistakenly applied this name (misspelled as angi) to the similar looking but unrelated Coprosma laevigata." Problematic
Tongan PN.AGO.2 Agoʔi Make line(s) on, mark out
New Zealand Maori PN.AKE.A Ake(ake) (Dodonia spp.)
Moriori PN.AKE.A Ake/ake Tree sp.
Penrhyn PN.AKE.A Ake/ake Seed of puka tree
Rarotongan PN.AKE.A ʔAke (Dodonaea viscosa) "...according to Cheeseman and a few subsequent authors, but not confirmed by the present author."
Rarotongan PN.AKE.A ʔAke/ʔake A native tree (Sapinda vitiensis)
Tokelau PN.AKE.A Ake/ake Kind of medicinal beach plant (Jnn)
Tongan PN.AKE.A Ake A hardwood tree
Marquesas MQ.AKE.B Ake Kind of banana
Niue LO.AKERISI Akelisi Locust (Bib.)
Rarotongan LO.AKERISI Akeride Locust (Bib.)
Samoan LO.AKERISI Akerise Locust (Bib.)
Tongan PN.AKIAKI Ekiaki Young tropic bird (tavake). It is quite white.
Fijian OC.AKU Yaku Take soft food with fingers
Tikopia OC.AKU Aku/aku Take up in handfuls
Anuta FJ.QARA Ara Wake
Easter Island FJ.QARA Ara Awake
East Futuna FJ.QARA ʔAla Awake (to be)
Fijian FJ.QARA Yadra Open the eyes, wake up
Hawaiian FJ.QARA Ala Awake
Kapingamarangi FJ.QARA Ala Awaken, arise
Emae FJ.QARA Ara Wake up
New Zealand Maori FJ.QARA Ara Awake
Ifira-Mele FJ.QARA Ara Wake up, open one's eyes
Niue FJ.QARA Ala Awake, be awake Phonologically Irregular
Niue FJ.QARA A/ala/ Awake, be awake (pl. sbj.) Phonologically Irregular
Nukuoro FJ.QARA Ala Awake
Luangiua FJ.QARA ʔAla Awake
Penrhyn FJ.QARA Ara Wake
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.QARA Ala(h-) Wake up (sg), be awake (sg); rise up (sg)
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.QARA Fe/ala/fi Wake up (pl)
Pukapuka FJ.QARA Ala To awake
Rarotongan FJ.QARA Ara Awake
Rennellese FJ.QARA ʔAga Wake up, be awake
Rennellese FJ.QARA ʔA/ʔaga/ Wake up, stay awake; get up