Entries from Unknown in Pollex-Online
Unknown Source
Language | Item | Description |
Tuvalu | Mei | Mei. :shrink Problematic |
Kwara'ae | Milo | Tree (Thespesia populnea) |
Marquesas | Moa-kere | A fish (Zanclus cornutus) |
Marquesas | Poʔopuna | Grandchild (I) |
Kwara'ae | Moli | Citrus fruit |
Tahitian | Momo | Offspring, breed. ?? |
Marquesas | Mono | Replace Problematic |
Mangareva | Mono | Replace Problematic |
Kwara'ae | Muli | b/uri. :Behind |
Mangareva | Nikau | Rib of Coconut frond (I) |
Kwara'ae | Nofu | Fish sp |
Tahitian | Nuʔu | Earth, land (only as part of place-names) |
Tahitian | Oi | Shake, move repeatedly |
Marquesas | Paa keʔaa | Stone wall (I) |
Kwara'ae | Baikea | Crab/shellfish sp |
Rennellese | Paʔiaʔa | Roots Problematic |
Tahitian | Paroro | Balolo worm. ?? Problematic |
Niue | Pani | Paint, smear, rub oil on (I) Problematic |
Ra'ivavae | Papagiŋa, papaʔiŋa | Labia majora |
Tahitian | Pahu | Thumping blow |
Marquesas | Pehe | Sound recording, record |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Pipiri | A season of the year (Grn. 1985) |
Niue | Poa | Fish odour (I) |
Niue | Puefu | Dust, crumbled (i) Problematic |
Kwara'ae | Bubu | Shellfish sp |
Niue | Puupuu | Shellfish sp. (I), Problematic |
Tahitian | Haare | Go. ?? |
Niue | Ape/ape | Crooked legs (i) Problematic |
Marquesas | Seu | Catch bonito etc. with rod and spinner, also said of birds (I) Problematic |
Niue | Hika | Net needle (i) |
Tahitian | Hiʔa | Possibly bobbin-needle used on nets. ?? |
Tahitian | Hiʔuraʔi | A prominent mountain |
Marquesas | Hivahiva | Gray, silver-gray |
Tahitian | Hiva | Black (in chants). ?? |
Marquesas | Ope | Tail-end, projection |
Marquesas | Huupee | Nasal mucus (I) |
Niue | Take | Base, origin, cause (I) Problematic |
Marquesas | Takupu/ʔu (I) | Gannet |
Kapingamarangi | Tarang(a) | A star, Capella (Emory 1965:341) |
Kapingamarangi | Ti taro | Fish spear (Eilers) |
Kwara'ae | Taba | Labia (Hmn) |
Tahitian | Tapa (leeward is.), topa (windward is.) | Announce, proclaim |
Niue | Tatuu | Move excitedly, totter (I) |
East Futuna | Tauwa pou | Arm-rings (Le Maire 1616) |
Penrhyn | Tawatawa | Fish sp; walu (Ruvettus pretiosus cocc.) Problematic |
Raga | Teve(na) | Penis |
Kapingamarangi | Tiga | Menses Problematic |
Rennellese | Tiko | Menses Problematic |
Rennellese | Titiko | Menses Problematic |
Tuamotu | Tiko | Menses Problematic |
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