Entries from Davies 1851 in Pollex-Online

Davies, J. (1851). A Tahitian and English dictionary with Introductory remarks on the Polynesian language and a short grammar of the Tahitian dialect. Tahiti, London Missionary Society's Press.

Language Item Description
Tahitian Poo To slap with the open hand on a person's own breast, as wrestlers used to do, giving challenge
Tahitian Pori The bulk, or size, as that of a man, or a tree; certain persons of both sexes, but chiefly women, who pampered their bodies to become fat and fair
Tahitian Porori Hunger; to be hungry
Tahitian Porutu Loud, clamorous, applied to a voice; to be speaking very loud Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Potaotao A very black or dark night
Tahitian Potaa Oval, or circular, as a house
Tahitian Pouturi Deaf, deaf as a post, feigned deaf
Tahitian Pua A disease accompanied with a swelling and an abcess
Tahitian Pui/hauhau To blow gently, as a small breeze
Tahitian Purou To cover the face and head
Tahitian Punarua A man with two wives, or a woman with two husbands
Tahitian Pu/puni To hide one's self, to take shelter behind another
Tahitian Puhâ To blow, as the honu, whale, &c. Problematic
Tahitian Putete A bag enclosed in a small net, in which it is suspended
Tahitian Putuputu Gathered; close together, the opposite to varavara, or thinly scattered; to gather together, to assemble
Tahitian Hae An imagined ghost, or the spirit of a drowned person
Tahitian Hahe Great in size, abundant in quantity
Tahitian Hahe/hahe Daring, fearless as a warrior
Tahitian Ahore The name of a small, spotted fish
Tahitian Haa Work of any kind; to work, or operate any way; but lately both noun and verb have been most commonly applied to cloth making by the women
Tahitian Hai/hai To bind up fast, to secure
Tahitian Hai/a A human sacrifice; also the bodies of those slain in war Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian HaratĂ´ Acrid, exciting pain
Tahitian Haro To smooth back the hair; to pull the raoere or leaves tied together to catch fish
Tahitian Hamu Gluttonous
Tahitian Hamuti A privy; a place of dirt and rubbish
Tahitian Hani/hani To caress or fondle
Tahitian Hao To encircle, as fishermen, in bringing both ends of a fishing net together
Tahitian Hapoi, hopoi To carry or convey (a burden) Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian Haaputu The name of a fish that is often poisonous Problematic
Tahitian Hau The dew that falls at night
Tahitian Hau/moe The cold night breezes of the vallies
Tahitian Hava Dirtied, befouled, filthy, defiled
Tahitian He An error or mistake; wrong, erroneous, mistaken
Tahitian Hea To grieve for the dead, to lament for the dead, using various ceremonies
Tahitian Hema/hema The little fish called the nautilus
Tahitian Heu To throw off, as an infant its covering
Tahitian Hia To use friction to procure fire
Tahitian Hira Bashfulness as in the presence of a superior, or of many together
Tahitian Hina The name of the first woman, according to a Tahitian tradition, the wife of Ti, and by some said to be still in the moon; a species of small spider
Tahitian Hihi A small shell fish
Tahitian Hoata The name of a night of the Tahitian moon or month. Second night of the moon (Aud).
Tahitian Hoa A stick used for carrying things on the shoulder Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Oroea, toroea The name of a tree
Tahitian Hopii/pii To be cramped as the foot or arm; to be struck motionless by sudden fear
Tahitian Hui To pierce, lance, or prick
Tahitian Huru/i To make the skirts of a garment to hang down
Tahitian Hume To put the strip of cloth called maro about the loins, and between the legs
Tahitian Ta To strike; also to write
Tahitian Ta/tatau A person that marks the skin; also, the operation of marking the skin