Entries from Davies 1851 in Pollex-Online

Davies, J. (1851). A Tahitian and English dictionary with Introductory remarks on the Polynesian language and a short grammar of the Tahitian dialect. Tahiti, London Missionary Society's Press.

Language Item Description
Tahitian Verevere Thin, gauze-like; the eye-lids
Tahitian Verevere Lately, a name given to the female pudenda
Tahitian Veri A sea insect
Tahitian Veriveri/a A deep place; a place that is unsightly
Tahitian Vero To dart, or throw a spear; to push off a canoe into the water; to raise up the hand and arm
Tahitian Vetea Separated, parted, untied
Tahitian Veu Downy hair, a woolly kind of hair, a sort of fringe on the border of a garment; the downy hair of a dog; to have a downy or shaggy border
Tahitian Vi The Tahitian yellow apple tree and fruit
Tahitian Viti/viti Well set, clever, neat, well-finished Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Mamaru Easy of access, as a lewd woman Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Avaava/irai A wild species of the ava plant, very acrid, and not used; (Piper latifolium) (Jsn)
Tahitian Horue An amusement in which persons slide on the side of a hill, or swim on a board in the surf of the sea
Tahitian Amuri Hereafter
Tahitian Mara The old name for the ava plant
Tahitian Haamate To cause death
Tahitian Timu/timu To be obscured by distance
Tahitian Pare Fort, castle, place of refuge
Tahitian Matara To be forgiven a crime Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Piro Filth, uncleanness; worn, or soiled, applied to a garment; ill savoured
Tahitian Piro/piro Offensive, as a person's breath, or other things of a bad scent
Tahitian Hoi Also, beside, likewise
Tahitian Api To be full, occupied, closed up
Tahitian Api/api Filled, occupied, narrow
Tahitian Faatere To steer a boat, canoe or ship; steersman; to guide or direct
Tahitian Pee Swift, or quick
Tahitian Taitai Salt, saltish, brackish; bitter
Tahitian Aru An elderly person when the skin becomes wrinkled
Tahitian Mea To do, a word used as a convenient substitute instead of naming the action
Tahitian Varea To be drowsy, overtaken with sleep
Tahitian Muo/o Taro shoots used for planting Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian Pufanua, pufenua The placenta
Tahitian Taratara Prickly, thorny, ragged
Tahitian Aununu The sixth of the Tahitian lunar months
Tahitian Hiaia The name of a Tahitian month
Tahitian A/rehu, va/rehu The name of the third Tahitian month
Tahitian Tapuni To hide or conceal oneself
Tahitian Ta/ii The steam of perspiration
Tahitian Tauama A canoe with an outrigger
Tahitian Aniva/niva A great deal of giddiness or vertigo; to be moving in a zigzag course, as an arrow, or lightning
Tahitian Hee To be in a discharged or banished condition, as one turned out of his place
Tahitian Pofatu/aoao The name of a small tree of hard wood. (Sophora tomentosa) (Whr)
Tahitian Ahue/hue To be in confusion, alarm, on account of being unprepared
Tahitian Arue/rue Reverberating (as an echo); agitating, as water
Tahitian Faa/a/a To kindle fire, to make it burn well; to cause food to be well cooked
Tahitian Pehu Rubbish, such as grass, leaves, &c.; the name of a species of taro
Tahitian Moti To terminate, as the boundary of land, or a season of the year
Tahitian Maea The white or sappy part of trees; a worthless person
Tahitian Abu, apu The shell of a nut, gourd, or fish; a concave or hollow...
Tahitian Abu rima, apu/rima The hollow of the hand
Tahitian Abu, apu Wide or broad, as cloth