Entries from Davies 1851 in Pollex-Online

Davies, J. (1851). A Tahitian and English dictionary with Introductory remarks on the Polynesian language and a short grammar of the Tahitian dialect. Tahiti, London Missionary Society's Press.

Language Item Description
Tahitian Umu To wring or press out any thing between the hands or fingers
Tahitian Ito(ito) Watchful, active, vigilant; stimulating, arousing
Tahitian Raatira A chief; the general title of the inferior chiefs; an officer on board a ship
Tahitian Nao A sort of fly or insect
Tahitian Raoa The name of a fish with a large head
Tahitian Rapu Earth or dirt; to stir or mix together; to be in confusion
Tahitian Refa/refa To be sleepy, drowsy
Tahitian Repe The comb of a fowl; the fin on the back of the shark; the projections that grow in a singular manner on the trunk of the tuscarpia edulis, or native chestnut tree; the piece on which the ends of the rafters rest in a native house; a sort of projection
Tahitian Pareu A garment worn as a petticoat, round the loins of both sexes; to put on a pareu
Tahitian Rii Small, little, young, used plurally
Tahitian Nunaa Nation, kindred, people
Tahitian Ma Clean, not soiled or polluted
Tahitian Mae Thin, lean, applied to animals when decaying or falling away; withered, fermented
Tahitian Hue To throw up into a heap; to overturn and cast out useless things
Tahitian Mahue To be pushed up, as the earth by the shooting and growth of some plants, such as the patara
Tahitian Mâi Watery, withered, applied to taro, yam, &c., when injured by the sun or dry weather
Tahitian Maee Warped or twisted, as timber exposed to the sun Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Mairi To fall or drop down from a high place; to fall behind; to fall asleep; to be dropped or disused as a custom
Tahitian Mate To die, to be ill, sick, or hurt
Tahitian Maui To be in a pet, or fit of anger, on account of disappointment in food, &c.
Tahitian Mauru/uru To be pleased, satisfied, delighted; agreeable, pleasing, satisfactory
Tahitian Maunu Bait for fish
Tahitian Puna Prolific, as a female; some particular haunt of fish, where the fishermen go to look for them Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Namu/rea Fragrant, savoury, as food
Tahitian Pa A fence or hedge; a small enclosed place sacred to the young king or chief; also such a place sacred to the use of the upaupa dancers
Tahitian Paea/rua Of both sides
Tahitian Faatu To raise up, put in an erect posture; also to support, assist
Tahitian Pararî Broken, bruised
Tahitian Panai To stand in a line or row; a ridge or stratum
Tahitian Pata To strike, as the insect pata does with its tail; to snap with the finger and thumb upon any thing; to strike smartly with the finger
Tahitian Pate To sound with lead and line
Tahitian Poo/poo Deep, as a hole; sunken, depressed
Tahitian Po/poo To be hollow, indented, sunken
Tahitian Poroi A charge, direction given, a saying; to take leave, or bid farewell; also to inform
Tahitian Ponao A thimble; a razor-case, a padlock
Tahitian Pôpô To clap hands, as fishermen sometimes do; to pat slightly with the hand
Tahitian Pue Denoting a plurality, as pue taata, men, usually two in number...
Tahitian Purua A father or mother in law
Tahitian Puoro To cleanse the inside of a calabash, or of a bottle, by means of gravel and water
Tahitian Hopii The falling sickness, epilepsy
Tahitian Ta To write; the instrument used for marking the skin
Tahitian Taata A man; a human person, male or female; mankind
Tahitian Tavere A thing taken in tow, as a boat behind a ship; to tow, or drag a thing in the water
Tahitian Taviri/viri To turn and twis oneself repeatedly; to have twisting pains in the bowels; to turn a thing round and round; a turned thing, as puaa-taviriviri, a turned pig, that is a roasted pig
Tahitian Tu To stand erect, to be upright or straight ; to fit, agree, to answer the purpose
Tahitian Tufa To spit
Tahitian Tufa To share, or divide portions
Tahitian Upa To dance
Tahitian Va The rushing down of the rain that comes suddenly and is soon over
Tahitian Vava A species of the locust