Entries from Davies 1851 in Pollex-Online

Davies, J. (1851). A Tahitian and English dictionary with Introductory remarks on the Polynesian language and a short grammar of the Tahitian dialect. Tahiti, London Missionary Society's Press.

Language Item Description
Tahitian Eu/eu To move or stir, as an infant under its sleeping-cloth
Tahitian Oro/a A feast connected with prayers and other religious observances...
Tahitian Honoa An agreement, a plot; things joined
Tahitian Mamaiâ A party formed some time ago at Tahiti...who professed to improve upon the received Religion, and to be given to extraordinary prayer; they discarded some of the essentials of Christianity, and were immoral in their conduct
Tahitian Puao Cartridge of powder; any small wrapper, or thing rolled up, as paper, cloth &c.; to make cartridges, to wrap or roll up small things Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Puu/puu Rough, uneven, irregular; also agitated, as the sea
Tahitian Toro To run or creep, as vines or roots of plants; to stretch out
Tahitian Tautai A certain mode of fishing, of which there are many names
Tahitian Ravaai A fisherman; to fish
Tahitian Taiʔa A fisherman; to fish by angling, or otherwise
Tahitian Tauhoa/ni To entice by soft words; to have a longing desire, or wish for an object; the meeting of different winds Problematic
Tahitian E And, or
Tahitian A Denoting the continuance of the action or of the things mentioned (post-verbal)
Tahitian Tupe A species of cockle shell
Tahitian Rauava The *miro* or *amae* leaves used in the marae for various sacred purposes
Tahitian Raumanu The fish, where the birds congregate over some part of the sea; also the fish, caught at the end of the season
Tahitian Faarau To make hundreds, or count by hundreds
Tahitian Hau/hau To take off the first chips in hollowing a tree
Tahitian Hioe Thin, of hair through disease Problematic
Tahitian Hurihuri/fenua To deliberate or turn over in the mind the political affairs of the country
Tahitian Huri/fenua The name given to a very tempestuous wind
Tahitian Manu A short cross seat in a canoe. Siège court en travers dans une pirogue, prévu pour les invités (Aca).
Tahitian Utu/a/fare A person's own home or house; also the family or household of a person
Tahitian Paari Mature, old, ripe, hard; wise, knowing, skilful, cunning
Tahitian Ruru A roll, or bale of cloth
Tahitian Vai To be; to remain or abide
Tahitian Tuʔu The name of a species of spider
Tahitian Tuutuu A sort of spider
Tahitian Tuu/tuu/tautai The frequent use of the fishing net
Tahitian Vinivini To be smarting, as from the lash of a whip
Tahitian Vae The timbers of a boat or ship; the small rafters of a *fareoa*, or little house, made with the top like the cover of a wagon
Tahitian Hai/a. Haai/ʔa (Aca). A prayer for a person poisoned with fish. Prière pour une personne empoisonnée par le poisson (Aca).
Tahitian Po The unknown world, or hades; the place of punishment in the other world
Tahitian Po Antiquity, unknown, ancient date Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Rire The yellow vi-apple; to be in a state of fear Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian Uui To rub or polish a canoe, umete, &c.
Tahitian Ui To grate, to rub; a grater or rubber
Tahitian Fata/rau The common altar for sacrifices
Tahitian Nanu(nanu) To grudge or envy what another has; to be envious of another's possessions
Tahitian Upu A prayer; a set of prayers addressed to the gods by the priest and others; also a prayer addressed by the sorcerers to their *tii*s or demons, for some evil purpose
Tahitian Tari/niho The gums
Tahitian Toro The name of a fishing net
Tahitian Tupere A shell of the cockle kind....said to be used by the gods...to scrape the souls of men for food
Tahitian Mai/ore A modern name for the bread fruit tree and its fruit
Tahitian Uru The general name of the bread fruit tree and fruit (Artocarpus)
Tahitian Ia When; if
Tahitian Hee To be swimming in the surf, a Tahitian diversion
Tahitian Mau Many; a prefix to plural nouns
Tahitian Aita rea Seldom, rarely, not much Problematic
Tahitian Aranui The great or public road. Grande route, chemin public (Aca).