Entries from Davletshin 2013 in Pollex-Online

Albert Davletshin, field notes

Language Item Description
Nuguria Hue Porcupine fish (bigger than vari)
Nuguria Hue/hue Mosquito whisk, made of coconut leaves
Nuguria Huhi Swampy area where swamp taro is cultivated, taro gardens
Nuguria Susu, huhu Fight (with a knife, stick, etc.)
Nuguria Huia Starling
Nuguria Huke Open up, uncover an earth oven (vt)
Nuguria Hune Sore, sores (abscess), wound Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria Sunu, hunu Smell (perceive odour)
Nuguria Hura A kind of dance with guitar (not native, post-contact) Problematic
Nuguria Huri Turn, spin; stir, twist (vt)
Nuguria Huruhuru Hair (body), fur, feathers
Nuguria Huti Pull, draw (a door)
Nuguria Huu-ina Hide, conceal, steal
Nuguria Suui/a, huui/a Help, assist Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria Hea, hee Where?
Nuguria Isu, ihu Painful, sore; hurt
Nuguria Rara Smoke (fish)
Nuguria Ila Birthmark
Nuguria Ilaamotu Uncle (both sides)
Nuguria Ilo Maggot
Nuguria Imu Earth oven (Tok Pisin mumu)
Nuguria Ina Fish at night with light
Nuguria Ino Lopsided (ex. house)
Nuguria Inoo Yes Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Iri-hia Blow (with mouth); fan (n)
Nuguria Kaaina Landmark, boundary mark
Nuguria Kaamai Give, also lend (you to me) Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria Kaavake Give, also lend (X to Y)
Nuguria Kaavatu Give, also lend (I to you)
Nuguria Kaavei A kind of rope (= te uka iapani); umbilical cord (te kaavei te tama)
Nuguria Kaha Braided rope of coconut husk fibres...
Nuguria Kahana Ear-pendant
Nuguria Kahani (pl. kahhani) Tie two coconuts in a particular way
Nuguria Kahi Bivalve shell used for scraping tubers or breadfruit
Nuguria Kahika Malay apple
Nuguria Kai/rehi, kai/lehi (pl. kai/r/rehi) Tell a lie/untruth, prevaricate; deceive, cheat
Nuguria Kaka Fibre around the base of a coconut frond, used as a strainer during food preparation
Nuguria Kumete, kamete Wooden food bowls, used as grinding bowls
Nuguria Kanae Fish sp.
Nuguria Kaniva Cloud; sky, heavens
Nuguria Kanohi Meat, flesh
Nuguria Kano/kano Swamp taro Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria Kanomata, kanamata Eye, face; eye of coconut
Nuguria Kan/tua (obs. kanatua) Back of body (living creature or canoe)
Nuguria Kanu Design, pattern; colour; characters, letters; colourful (vi)
Nuguria Kapakau Wing; front flippers (of turtle)
Nuguria Kape Take out (swamp taro)
Nuguria Kapu Cup
Nuguria Kaputi Bud
Nuguria Karea Large shellfish sp.