Entries from Firth 1985 in Pollex-Online

Firth, R. (1985). Tikopia-English Dictionary/Taranga Fakatikopia ma Taranga Fakainglisi. Auckland, Auckland University Press

Language Item Description
Tikopia Fenua Placenta
Tikopia Taratara Spiny, spiky, prickly, rough
Tikopia Fakaatu/atu Wait, with thought in mind
Tikopia Tupu Abnormal growth
Tikopia Tupu Change into
Tikopia Sau/anufeea Chill; coolness; cold
Tikopia Tera That there
Tikopia Tena Demonstrative: That, that one
Tikopia Ravaa Endure, cope
Tikopia Rava/a Be overcome, defeated, conquered, beaten in contest
Tikopia Mairiiri Blowing gently
Tikopia Mataavaka Bow of vessel
Tikopia Pera Like that; thus
Tikopia Uku Dive, as for fish, molluscs on the sea floor, etc.: submerge in water, bathe
Tikopia Kailau Execute dance movement with clubs, in style said to have come from Tonga
Tikopia Aaunga Dance gestures of aesthetic type; demonstrative movements of hands and feet
Tikopia Fakafua Great wave; ocean swell
Tikopia Fakasoa/soa Befriend one another...
Tikopia Tata Move gently, as in short jerks
Tikopia Tautari Follow
Tikopia Tokonaki Assemble food for a feast
Tikopia Toko Staff, stave, stick or post to hold something up
Tikopia Rao Abdomen of crustacean, e.g. a coconut crab
Tikopia Masike Rise, get up
Tikopia Isu Painful; sore
Tikopia Sepe Cut, sever, slice (as with knife)
Tikopia Fiti Sprain; strain (muscle); "pins and needles" sensation in arm or leg
Tikopia Ufu/ki, ufu/si Untie a knot
Tikopia Neva Rise, soar
Tikopia Fakatafa Come beside; set aside, cause to abdicate; sideways, to the side
Tikopia Fakaaataa Take the semblance of; impersonate, represent, esp. in dream
Tikopia Kai/meo Envy, jealousy
Tikopia Seke Launch or land canoe Problematic
Tikopia Fakanava Tree (Cordia subcordata)
Tikopia Mangi Wasted, from sickness
Tikopia Vaa Vine, creeper (generic)
Tikopia Poumuri Tree sp. (Casearia or Securinega sp.)....hard, heavy timber used for house posts, ridge poles, etc.
Tikopia Fakamaa Be ashamed, embarrassed, shy
Tikopia Ka/lava Spider Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia Paka/lavalava Large black spider Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia Uru Leading stanza and "entry" movement of mori dance....traditional sacred chant in Marae in archaic language
Tikopia U Come, enter, point towards
Tikopia Uti/uti Sting, itch
Tikopia Ngaua Spend time, energy (as in working hard for small reward) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia Tafaaki Border; edge
Tikopia See Get out of breath; be afraid (arch.)
Tikopia Firiani Platform, staging (e.g. in house) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia Ika a fatu Large fish from ocean depths (unid. poss. grouper), app. not fished for many years’
Tikopia Fakakaa Set alight; cause to burn (as tree felled for clearing ground)
Tikopia Oa Couple, in count of coconuts; pair