Entries from Beaglehole 1991 in Pollex-Online

Beaglehole, E. P. (1991). Pukapukan Dictionary Manuscript. Auckland, Pukapuka Dictionary Project, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

Language Item Description
Pukapuka Waa/waa Taro corm or plant (Colocasia antiquorum var. esculenta)
Pukapuka Wawa Sheet of main sail
Pukapuka Wawangu To awake, arouse
Pukapuka Wawine Woman, wife
Pukapuka Wanga- Bay (in a placename)
Pukapuka Wanga A fish (Lutjanus bohar) Problematic
Pukapuka Wai Stingray
Pukapuka Wai Copulate
Pukapuka Wai/nga Sexual intercourse
Pukapuka Waingataa Difficult to do
Pukapuka Wai kai Prepare food
Pukapuka Waiva A special skill; skilful, clever
Pukapuka Waka- Causative prefix
Pukapuka Wakalaa To expose to the sun
Pukapuka Wakalongo To believe
Pukapuka Wakalongo/longo Listen
Pukapuka Wakamau To make fast, tight
Pukapuka Wakapeke To raise buttocks (e.g. of a woman in reference to sex act) Borrowed
Pukapuka Kaayani Tie together two husked nuts...; strip of husk left on nut when husking
Pukapuka Wakatangi/tangi Toy leaflet spinner
Pukapuka Wakatau- At each other, simultaneously; similar to, comparable to. Reciprocal action, doing something together (Sby).
Pukapuka Wakatiu West, west wind
Pukapuka Wala Pandanus sp.
Pukapuka Waalala To bend. To slant, slope, be on an angle (Sby).
Pukapuka Aaliki Cover floor with mats or grass Borrowed
Pukapuka Wano Go (singular)
Pukapuka Wao/a Drill bit
Pukapuka Wetai A plant (Psilotum nudum)
Pukapuka Wetuke Species of sea porcupine Problematic
Pukapuka Wau The tree Pipturus velutinus [argenteus]. Bark used for cordage (Mta).
Pukapuka Waka/wewe/wewe To walk feebly, be chronically ill
Pukapuka Weke Octopus
Pukapuka Welo A tree (Ficus tinctoria)
Pukapuka Wenua Country, land
Pukapuka Vei/a Person disliked Problematic
Pukapuka Wetau A tree (Calophyllum inophyllum)
Pukapuka Wetuu Star
Pukapuka Wia- Verbal prefix meaning to desire
Pukapuka Wiwi Os cervix
Pukapuka Wiitaa Foetus Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka Witi To climb on, get into
Pukapuka Witu Seven
Pukapuka Woowonu Deep, depth Problematic
Pukapuka Woe Paddle
Pukapuka Oki Even, also, too, likewise, besides
Pukapuka Wola/wola Spread out
Pukapuka Wota Be grounded on, to strike against (of a canoe); to lie on (of lovers); wota te manava, to pierce the heart; to be heart-breaking Problematic
Pukapuka Wua Egg; seed; taro bed of a single person in communally owned taro land
Pukapuka Wua/amoko Testicle
Pukapuka Wua Only, merely