Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online

Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.

Language Item Description
Easter Island Piki Cramp
Easter Island Pikipiki Curly (e.g. hair)
Easter Island Piko Bent, twisted
Easter Island Piro Corrupt, fetid, putrid, rotten, stinking...
Easter Island Pipi Any small sea-snail
Easter Island Piha Room, apartment
Easter Island Pito Navel
Easter Island Poo Night
Easter Island Poe Precious stone
Easter Island Poŋa Snout, nose; nariz, hocico
Easter Island Po/poʔi Unlucky or ill-omened place where several persons have died in a short space of time, e.g. a whole family, a place which must be avoided because it exercises an evil influence which causes the death of those who live there Problematic
Easter Island Poike Name of one of the three main volcanoes of Rapa Nui
Easter Island Poki Baby, child, infant; creature; foetus; offspring, son
Easter Island Rutu To throw many stones at the same time
Easter Island Poko(poko) Hole, concavity, depth, deep dish. Bowl (Wbr).
Easter Island Poko/ŋa Abyss
Easter Island Poko Slap insect dead
Easter Island Pora Reed basket
Easter Island Pori/o Big, chubby, fat, fleshy, obese
Easter Island Haka/pori/o To fatten
Easter Island Poonao Padlock Problematic
Easter Island Poʔpó Ball, globe; make little balls of paper, clay etc. Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Pota Lettuce
Easter Island Pou Log, pole. Post, pole (Wbr).
Easter Island Puu Aperture, opening, gap, hole
Easter Island Pua Flower
Easter Island Puʔa To put on, cover oneself, cover. Put covering (e.g. hats, gloves, a top or cover on anything) (Wbr).
Easter Island Puaka Cattle
Easter Island Puŋa Coral
Easter Island Puŋaʔehu Fine dust or powder
Easter Island Puke Heap of earth
Easter Island Purapura Descendant
Easter Island Purapura Descendant
Easter Island Pure Sea-snail with a dark and shiny shell
Easter Island Pure Mass; prayer, pray, worship
Easter Island Pu/pure Freckle
Easter Island Pureva Stone (old word)
Easter Island Puru Plug, cover; to close
Easter Island Puru Close, lock up a person, confine; protect (body, eyes). Shut, close; forbid (Wbr).
Easter Island Puna Basin, cistern, pond, natural well
Easter Island Manu /punua/ Pajarito tierno
Easter Island Punua Picotear las gallinas los huevos empollados para que salgan los polluelos
Easter Island Puhi Blow. Whistle; flute (Wbr).
Easter Island Puutee Case, purse, sack
Easter Island Putu Of plants, to grow thickly, very close together, with hardly any space in between (crecer las plantas muy juntas, con escaso intersticcio entre una y otra, estar tupidas)
Easter Island Haa Direct the breath towards something
Easter Island Haʔa/na Old term for brother-in-law of a woman: the husband of a woman's sister (now ta`okete) (Mtx 99) Problematic
Easter Island Hae/hae Riotous, scandalous, shameful
Easter Island Haʔere Stroll, walk; excursion b. (?)
Easter Island Hakari Body (human or animal) Uncertain Semantic Connection