Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online

Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.

Language Item Description
Easter Island To/hake To grow well, develop well, to grow to a good height (e.g. a plant growing, the body of a child developing)
Easter Island Hara Sin
Easter Island Hamu/hamu Eat leftovers
Easter Island Hani/hani Pumice stone Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Hapai Lift carefully; carry child in arms
Easter Island Hahabe Flying-fish
Easter Island Hauʔa Odour, scent, smell. Smell (vi) (Wbr). Borrowed
Easter Island Hava/hava Dirty, filthy, muddy, nasty
Easter Island Hei Crown. Headdress (of flowers, woven palm leaves, etc.) (Wbr).
Easter Island Here Knot; bind, fasten
Easter Island Heru/heru Scrape or scratch (of fowls)
Easter Island Heŋa Brightness; to dawn
Easter Island Heŋa/heŋa Reddish; become red
Easter Island Heva Fool (Thomson)
Easter Island Heva A form of deranged behaviour following on the death of a relative
Easter Island Hii To fish
Easter Island Hii Colic, diarrhoea
Easter Island Hiŋa Fall. Fall (a person, from e.g. a horse, motorcycle, chair, tree, etc.)
Easter Island Hika Net-needle
Easter Island Hika Make fire by friction
Easter Island Hiki To stand on one's toes Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island Hiko/hiko Snatch
Easter Island Hiku Tail, tail end
Easter Island Hina Grey-haired
Easter Island Hina/riru Name of a stone figure
Easter Island Hoʔo Buy, sell, trade, exchange . Borrowed
Easter Island Hoko/tahi Alone, lonely, single, only, solitary
Easter Island Horoʔi Clean, erase, wipe off
Easter Island Honi/honi Pare, peel
Easter Island Hopo/hopo te manava To feel a strong imbalance of the mind, either from boiling anger, or overbrimming joy
Easter Island Hopu Bathe in sea.
Easter Island Huu Fart
Easter Island Hue/hue Fish sp
Easter Island Huero Comet; be radiant
Easter Island Hiero Aureola
Easter Island Huki Barreno de mano usado para escarbar la tierra y sacar tubérculos; clavar. Hand-drill used to root out bulbs; to nail. Palo puesto en la popa para colgar la red (*huki kupe9a*); fierro puntiagudo qu sirve para escarbar la tierra (Egt).
Easter Island Huri Banana shoot
Easter Island Hune Put on loincloth
Easter Island Huupeʔe Nasal mucus
Easter Island Tata To wash something (lavar)
Easter Island Taa To tattoo. Refers to body painting, not permanent tattooing (Wbr).
Easter Island Táa Hacer o tejer malla; to knit a net
Easter Island Taʔe Negacion condicional
Easter Island Taha Side
Easter Island Taha Decline (like afternoon sun) Problematic
Easter Island Tahatai Beach, sea-coast, littoral, shore
Easter Island Tehe Correr un liquido, derramarse. Flow, leak (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Tahito Base of a tree
Easter Island Taʔoraha Whale Phonologically Irregular
Easter Island Tahu To keep the umu going for the daily meals of the working hands . Servir comida a personas que ayudan en un trabajo; hacerles comida diaria en curanto