Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online
Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.
Language | Item | Description |
Easter Island | To/hake | To grow well, develop well, to grow to a good height (e.g. a plant growing, the body of a child developing) |
Easter Island | Hara | Sin |
Easter Island | Hamu/hamu | Eat leftovers |
Easter Island | Hani/hani | Pumice stone Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Hapai | Lift carefully; carry child in arms |
Easter Island | Hahabe | Flying-fish |
Easter Island | Hauʔa | Odour, scent, smell. Smell (vi) (Wbr). Borrowed |
Easter Island | Hava/hava | Dirty, filthy, muddy, nasty |
Easter Island | Hei | Crown. Headdress (of flowers, woven palm leaves, etc.) (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Here | Knot; bind, fasten |
Easter Island | Heru/heru | Scrape or scratch (of fowls) |
Easter Island | Heŋa | Brightness; to dawn |
Easter Island | Heŋa/heŋa | Reddish; become red |
Easter Island | Heva | Fool (Thomson) |
Easter Island | Heva | A form of deranged behaviour following on the death of a relative |
Easter Island | Hii | To fish |
Easter Island | Hii | Colic, diarrhoea |
Easter Island | Hiŋa | Fall. Fall (a person, from e.g. a horse, motorcycle, chair, tree, etc.) |
Easter Island | Hika | Net-needle |
Easter Island | Hika | Make fire by friction |
Easter Island | Hiki | To stand on one's toes Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Hiko/hiko | Snatch |
Easter Island | Hiku | Tail, tail end |
Easter Island | Hina | Grey-haired |
Easter Island | Hina/riru | Name of a stone figure |
Easter Island | Hoʔo | Buy, sell, trade, exchange . Borrowed |
Easter Island | Hoko/tahi | Alone, lonely, single, only, solitary |
Easter Island | Horoʔi | Clean, erase, wipe off |
Easter Island | Honi/honi | Pare, peel |
Easter Island | Hopo/hopo te manava | To feel a strong imbalance of the mind, either from boiling anger, or overbrimming joy |
Easter Island | Hopu | Bathe in sea. |
Easter Island | Huu | Fart |
Easter Island | Hue/hue | Fish sp |
Easter Island | Huero | Comet; be radiant |
Easter Island | Hiero | Aureola |
Easter Island | Huki | Barreno de mano usado para escarbar la tierra y sacar tubérculos; clavar. Hand-drill used to root out bulbs; to nail. Palo puesto en la popa para colgar la red (*huki kupe9a*); fierro puntiagudo qu sirve para escarbar la tierra (Egt). |
Easter Island | Huri | Banana shoot |
Easter Island | Hune | Put on loincloth |
Easter Island | Huupeʔe | Nasal mucus |
Easter Island | Tata | To wash something (lavar) |
Easter Island | Taa | To tattoo. Refers to body painting, not permanent tattooing (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Táa | Hacer o tejer malla; to knit a net |
Easter Island | Taʔe | Negacion condicional |
Easter Island | Taha | Side |
Easter Island | Taha | Decline (like afternoon sun) Problematic |
Easter Island | Tahatai | Beach, sea-coast, littoral, shore |
Easter Island | Tehe | Correr un liquido, derramarse. Flow, leak (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Tahito | Base of a tree |
Easter Island | Taʔoraha | Whale Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Tahu | To keep the umu going for the daily meals of the working hands . Servir comida a personas que ayudan en un trabajo; hacerles comida diaria en curanto |