Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online
Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.
Language | Item | Description |
Easter Island | Kokoʔe/pó | Olvidadízo. Forgetful. |
Easter Island | Mamaía | Equivocar, equivocarse, errar. To err, make a mistake. |
Easter Island | Korotea | Banana variety |
Easter Island | Maroa | Brazada. Distance between two stretched arms. Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Poki | Cria, criatura, feto, hijo, nene, niño. Baby, child, infant, creature; foetus; offspring; son. Problematic |
Easter Island | Poremo | Borrar; borrarse una señal. To erase, become erased. Problematic |
Easter Island | Pua | Plant (Curcuma longa)... |
Easter Island | Pukao | Moño. Chignon. [topknot] |
Easter Island | Raakau | Arbusto euforbiáceo, de cuya semilla se extrae el aceite de ricino. Castor-oil plant. |
Easter Island | Raʔau | Medicine Borrowed |
Easter Island | Tama | Retoño o vástago de la caña de azúcar. Sugar cane shoot or sprout. |
Easter Island | Tore-tore | Streaky, striped; (of food) not fully cooked |
Easter Island | Tupu | Estar embarazada. To be pregnant. |
Easter Island | Uru-manu | Los que no pertenecen a la tribu real de los miru, por no ser descendientes del hijo primogenito de Hotu Matu'a Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Aʔu | Los dolores que preceden al parto; asistir a una mujer en el parto. Pains preceding labour; assist a woman in childbirth. Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Tika | Dirección, huella, rastro; señal para orientarse; (fig.) hombre joven. Direction; footprint, track; mark used for orienting; (fig.) young man. Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Anuta | Ma | Preposition: for... (maaku, ma(a)u, ma(a)na) |
Anuta | Pa/pano | To clean or wash an object or another person |
Easter Island | Tuku | To fish with a net |
Easter Island | Tuku/tuku | To fish with a conical net. Pescar nadando con una red que tiene forma de canasta o embudo (Egt). |
Easter Island | Tuku | Let go, deliver, give |
Easter Island | Meʔe/rahi | Much, many |
Easter Island | ŋaeŋae | Cansarse. To get exhausted, get tired. |
Easter Island | Ta/ta | Lavar. To wash something. |
Easter Island | Kakau | Obsidiana de filo cortante, ancho; incrustada en un mango se usaba como arma de mano para degollar o tajear al enemigo. Wide, sharp-edged obsidian provided with a wooden handle, used to cut off the enemy's head. Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Mateŋa | Agony; death |