Entries from Fuentes 1960 in Pollex-Online
Fuentes, J. (1960). Diccionario y Gramática de la Lengua de la Isla de Pascua: Pascuense-Castellano, Castellano-Pascuense. Santiago, Andrés Bello.
Language | Item | Description |
Easter Island | Roʔi/roʔi | Drool; drip liquid from mouth Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Rotu/rotu | Clap one's hands together. Strike lightly, tap (an object to repair or straighten it) (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Ru/ruu/ | Shake, tremble, quiver |
Easter Island | Rua | Vomit |
Easter Island | Rua | Two |
Easter Island | Ruhi | Large fish known as catonola in Mediterranean |
Easter Island | Ruŋa | Above. Roof; top (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Ruku | Sumergirse, zambullida; pescar debajo del agua |
Easter Island | Reru | Tonsil Problematic |
Easter Island | Ruru | Bunch, cluster, heap |
Easter Island | Muraki | Bury a body Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Ruperupe | Abundancia de frutos de la tierra; aumentar el número de descendientes |
Easter Island | Maa | And (used with numerals) |
Easter Island | Ma/tu | Vamos! |
Easter Island | Maa | Clean, clear Problematic |
Easter Island | Maa | For |
Easter Island | Mae/mae | Withered |
Easter Island | Mahana | Warm, temperate, tepid. Warm (environmental and of water) (Wbr). |
Easter Island | Mahatua | Name of a place Problematic |
Easter Island | Mahora | Planicie, plano |
Easter Island | Mahore | A little golden fish (Kuhliidae sp.) [Ldn]. |
Easter Island | Mahu | Heal, cicatrize |
Easter Island | Mahuu | Feeble, weak, debilitated ; una persona casta, continente |
Easter Island | Maʔahu | Steamy; evaporation |
Easter Island | Vai/maŋaro/ | Fresh water |
Easter Island | Manavai | Big holes in which plants were planted to protect them from the wind Problematic |
Easter Island | Mau | Abundant |
Easter Island | Mauʔi | Have a sprain or twist of a joint |
Easter Island | Mai | Towards speaker |
Easter Island | Kave/hau | Piece of thread Problematic |
Easter Island | Makenu | Action, gesture, motion; agitate, gesticulate, shake, stir, move. Move (about in one place) (Wbr). Uncertain Semantic Connection |
Easter Island | Makohe | Frigate Bird (Fregata sp.) |
Easter Island | Maakona | Satisfied |
Easter Island | Mara/mara | Spark |
Easter Island | Maaroa, maroʔa | Estar de pie; ponerse de pie. To be standing, to get up, to rise, to stand. Problematic |
Easter Island | Maʔara | Flat part of seashore |
Easter Island | Mara/mara | Ember, coal Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Marari | A fish |
Easter Island | Marama | Clarity, clearness, light |
Easter Island | Marama | Month (obs.) |
Easter Island | Marau | Fish with white and red stripes |
Easter Island | Mare | Asthma |
Easter Island | Marere | Disband; let loose several animals |
Easter Island | Pariŋi | To leak (out of a container); derramarse, escurrirse el líquido de un vaso Phonologically Irregular |
Easter Island | Maro | Especie de bandera o gallardete, hecha de plumitas de aves, amarrades a manera de guirnalda en una lienza o varilla |
Easter Island | Te maro | Dish cloth (Thomson) |
Easter Island | Meʔe/meʔe | Burla, mofa. Jest, mockery. |
Easter Island | Mama | Chew |
Easter Island | Haka/mama | Yawn ; bostezar |
Easter Island | Mamae | Pain |